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She was holding the baby in her arms.

She was his secretary before they got married. Now she's his treasurer. 在他们结婚之前她是他的秘书,现在她是他的出纳。
She was hissed off the stage. 她被嘘下台去。
She was hit by a piece of falling masonry . 她被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
She was holding her father's hand. 她紧紧抓住父亲的手。
She was holding the baby in her arms. 她抱著婴儿.
She was holding up an umbrella. 她打着雨伞。
She was home from convent boarding school and was excitedly looking forward to her gifs next day, which I had already Purchased. 她从女修道院办的寄宿学校回来了,十分激动地等着第二天的礼物,那是我早就买好了的。
She was horrified by all the pollution on the beach. 她对海滩上的污染感到震惊。
She was humiliated because her children behaved so badly. 她为她的孩子表现不好而感到羞辱。
She was humming to herself. 她独自哼着歌。

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