The cedar lining will absorb too much moisture, and it cannot absorb any more moisture while storing cigars. The humidor may grow mold because of excess moisture.
中文: 第一:因保湿盒会因直接擦拭而吸水过多﹐所以杉木无法再吸收过剩的水份﹐导致盒内太潮湿而发霉。 更详细进入...
The equipment must only be installed, put into operation and maintained by trained specialists. The owner and/or user must ensure that the operating personnel have been suitable instructed.
中文: 设备必须由专门培训的人员进行安装、操作和维护。用户必须确保操作人员已以得到正确的指导。 更详细进入...
We apply the distortion pricing principle to the motor insurance in our country and analysis the insurance Prremium empirically.
中文: 摘要本文根据失真保险定价原则,以我国某保险以同的某项机动车保险业务爲例,对其保费进行了实证分析。 更详细进入...
So, guarding your life, avoid it.
中文: 所以你该避开它以保护你的生命。” 更详细进入...
In reading a picture of asymmetric testicular FDG activity, the possibility of unilateral atrophic testis that absorbs less radioactivity should be kept in mind.
中文: 在判读睾丸不对称之氟-18-去氧葡萄糖摄取活性时,须注意单侧萎缩睾丸导致摄取减少的可能性。 更详细进入...
Three points should be considered in the removal of a fibular graft: (1) the peroneal nerve must not be damaged; (2) the distal fourth of the bone must be left to maintain a stable ankle; and (3) the peroneal muscles should not be cut.
中文: 在切取腓骨植骨块时需要注意以下三点:①勿损伤腓总神经;②腓骨远侧1/4应予保留,以免影响踝关节稳定;③不要切断腓骨肌。 更详细进入...
Finally, he tells readers how to use what they have learnt.
中文: 最后,引导读者如何学以致用。 更详细进入...
Management and leadership experience a must.
中文: 具备管理能力以及领导能力。 更详细进入...
Cancellation: The candidate must fill in the Cancellation Application Form on the back of the Confirmation Letter and a remittance order form, if he/she wants to cancel a registered test.
中文: 取消考试:考生因故取消考试,必须填写准考证背面的《取消考试申请表》以及汇款单。 更详细进入...
Will 696 Weihai Road be saved from destruction?
中文: 威海路696号,是否可以得以保留呢? 更详细进入...
The system performed as obtaining the real-time navigation information, adjusting the on-line control parameters, programming flight path, storing and analyzing data, which insured the realization of long distance flight.
中文: 系统实现了导航参数实时获取、飞行控制参数在线调整、航迹规划与回显、数据存储及分析等功能,并为超视距飞行提供了有利保障。 更详细进入...
Can I rent a safe deposit box?
中文: 我可以租用保险箱吗? 更详细进入...
Food is tinned to preserve it.
中文: 把食品装罐加以保存。 更详细进入...
It can still protect everybody.
中文: 它还可以保护每个人。 更详细进入...
When China executes, America sues: we each have our own culturally idiosyncratic way to protect consumers.
中文: 中国采取处决方式,而美国采取诉讼方式:我们两国保护消费者的方式在文化上各有不同。 更详细进入...
Open the fluid inclusion by heat explosion, extract the ore-forming solution, measure the relative density of the ore-forming solution through its electric conductivity, and apply the results to the test of mineralization and ore-search by geological anal
中文: 用热爆法打开包裹体提取成矿溶液,以电导度度量其相对浓度,以地质类比法通过从已知到未知的分析,将其结果用于成矿找矿试验。 更详细进入...
Security deposit means certain fees collected by the franchisor from the franchisee in order to ensure the performance of the franchise contract by the franchisee.
中文: 保证金是指为确保被特许者履行特许经营合同,特许人向被特许人收取的一定费用。 更详细进入...
And David dwelt in the castle; therefore they called it the city of David.
中文: 7大卫住在保障里,所以那保障叫作大卫城。 更详细进入...
So David dwelt in the stronghold; therefore they called it the city of David.
中文: 7大卫住在保障里,所以那保障叫作大卫城。 更详细进入...
But reactionary social and political tendencies could lead to a less-optimistic scenario in which these powerful regions forge a narrower, inward-looking strategy.
中文: 但是,保守的社会和政治反动势力可能导致一种不很乐观的发展趋势,那就是这些强大的地区采取更加狭隘、闭关自守的发展战略。 更详细进入...