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    Isaac: (You not) Don't equate a devil forgemaster's power with that of an ordinary sorcerer.

    中文: 阿:你别用你那衡量寻常术士的眼光来想像一个炼魔士的力量。 更详细进入...
    Before Mercury had finished this deeply soothing story he saw the eyes of Argus all asleep.

    中文: 这个深深温抚人心的故事还没有讲完,墨丘利就看到阿尔戈斯的眼睛一只只地昏昏睡去。 更详细进入...
    Even though Chief Zuo did not kill the sable with this sword move, the audience all marveled at his great sword skill.

    中文: 这一剑虽没刺到貂儿,旁观众人无不叹服,只须剑尖多递得半寸,龚光杰这只眼睛便是毁了。 更详细进入...
    Don't worry,sir.Can you tell me what it is like?

    中文: 别急,先生,您能告诉我那只包是什么样子吗? 更详细进入...
    The candidates are those who dress like a beautiful lady, no matter what the gender is!

    中文: 参加者性别不拘,只要装扮得美艳动人即可!!! 更详细进入...
    It is only with the heart that one can see rightly ; what ia essential is invisible to the eye.

    中文: 只有用心去看才能看的清楚。珍贵的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。 更详细进入...
    Her interest in natural history was confined to observation of the crow's feet gathering round her eyes.

    中文: 她对博物学的兴趣,只限于观察聚集在她的眼尾周围的“鸦爪”。 更详细进入...
    The remaining eyes must aim at targets in other arcs, or not at all.

    中文: 其余眼睛要么只能瞄准其他方向的目标,要么无法瞄准目标。 更详细进入...
    When you see an eagle ,you see a portion of genius, lift up thy head!

    中文: 当你眼前飞过一只鹰,你看到的是一份天赐的禀赋,你当仰视. 更详细进入...
    Wife: No, dear. I couldn't find the button, so I just sewed up the buttonhole.

    中文: 妻子:没有,亲爱的。我找不到扣子,所以我只把扣眼儿给缝上了。 更详细进入...
    This case indicates that IE should be considered in cases of acute cortical blindness, especially those with fever and heart murmur.

    中文: 本病例显示出现急性皮质性眼盲,特别是有发烧及心杂音时,需将感染性心内膜炎列鑑别诊断。 更详细进入...
    It looked almost human except that it had a single ,huge, red and glowing eye.

    中文: 它除了有一只巨大,红色的,闪闪发光的眼睛,看上去就像人类。 更详细进入...
    It has all the characteristics of a hunter: long legs for the chase, narrow neck, mobile head and large eyes for visual acuity, and large jaws.

    中文: 它具备捕猎者的一切特点:追击猎物的长腿、窄颈、转动自如的头部、具有敏锐视觉的大眼睛,还有大颚。 更详细进入...
    Moreover, the locality at San Tau has been listed as a SSSI.

    中文: 位于东涌的分布点已列为「具特别科学价值地点」。 更详细进入...
    Never carry tools in such a way that might interfere with using both hands freely on a ladder or else.

    中文: 携带工具不能妨碍双手自由,如在梯子上或别处。 更详细进入...
    Although the distinction perhaps makes sense as a matter of fiscal policy, there seems to be no compelling logic to a rule which says that during war, use will remain compensable while the costs of destruction must be borne by the individual.

    中文: 尽管这种区别也许作为财政策略具有意义,而作为战时的规定看起来是没有说具有强制的法理,只是说占用可以补偿,然而[财产]权利人却要承担灭失的代价. 更详细进入...
    Do you have a gym-toned killer physique? 2.Trendy haircut? 3.Buy your clothes on Oxford Street? 4.Move well on the dance floor? 5.Exude sexuality?

    中文: 你具有象健美人士一样的令人尖叫的体形么?有时髦的发形么?衣服都是牛津大道买的么?走路象跳舞么?性感么?(你懂不懂,这才是酷!别因为老子只是医生,别的不懂。) 更详细进入...
    Looking through a narrow viewing window, which is covered with complementary colour filters for each eye, the audience will on their right and left eye's retinas simultaneously visualise the two different videos.

    中文: 通过一个狭长的观察窗看进去,这个观察窗为每只眼睛安装了对比色滤光片,观众们左眼和右眼的视网膜将同时观察到两个不同的影象。 更详细进入...
    Life play is swift, life's playing fall behind one by one and are forgotten.

    中文: 人生的游戏转眼便结束,人生的玩具一件件掉在身后,随即被忘却。 更详细进入...
    Theoretically, a beholder mage with monk levels could use its arcane hand for its unarmed attacks.

    中文: 理论上,具有武僧等级的眼魔法师可以用奥法之手进行徒手攻击。 更详细进入...

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