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Looking through a narrow viewing window, which is covered with complementary colour filters for each eye, the audience will on their right and left eye's retinas simultaneously visualise the two different videos.

Looking out of my bedroom window into the vastness of space, time seemed to stretch forward and backward without end, engulfing me, engulfing my parents and great-grandparents, engulfing the entire history of earth. 从卧室的窗口向外眺望无垠的太空,时间仿佛没有止境地前后伸延着,吞没了我,吞没了我的父母和曾祖父母,吞没了整个地球的历史。
Looking over my notes.I can find only a few Han names, the rest are all Mongolian. 翻翻我的笔记本,我只看到几个汉族名字,其他都是蒙族。
Looking over the other waist gunner's shoulder, I saw the enemy jet. Saw its shining green nose and its high rudder. It knifed through the spring air toward our plane. 从另一个腰部机枪手的肩上看过去,我看到了敌人的喷气机。看到了它的闪亮的绿色鼻子和高高的方向舵。它刀劈般穿过春天的天空接近我们的飞机。
Looking over the other waist gunner\'s shoulder, I saw the enemy jet. 从另一个腰部机枪手的肩上看过去,我看到了敌人的喷气机。
Looking relaxed, the prince helped out fetching bread tomakesome toast. 王子看起来很放松,他正打算做烤面包片。
Looking through a narrow viewing window, which is covered with complementary colour filters for each eye, the audience will on their right and left eye's retinas simultaneously visualise the two different videos. 通过一个狭长的观察窗看进去,这个观察窗为每只眼睛安装了对比色滤光片,观众们左眼和右眼的视网膜将同时观察到两个不同的影象。
Looking through any American fashion magazines, you'll notice that most models are nothing more than skin and bones. 随便翻翻美国哪本时尚杂志,你会发现大多数模特都是皮包骨头。
Looking through my fingers I saw a man in the recovery boat below holding up a long pole for me to grab and lower myself down. 从指逢间看出去,我看见一只救生艇,有个男人正拿一根长棍把我勾下去。
Looking through the window he saw a jeep passing by quickly. 从窗户里朝外望,他看见一辆吉普车疾驶而过。
Looking to add some floating snow dekes for those days I'm in their flight path. 那些日子,在他们飞行的路上,我想加几个飘雪的佯攻动作。
Looking to improve your English? 想提高你的英语水平吗?

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