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It looked almost human except that it had a single ,huge, red and glowing eye.

It lists Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar among 16 countries with the worst records, up from 12 last year. 报告列出的16个最差的国家中有巴林,科威特,阿曼和卡塔尔,最差国家由去年的12个上升到今年的16个。
It lists, in general as well as in detail, the difficult and important points in the top priorities and presents the author's opinion on some of the controversial issues. 在我们所熟悉的这三个领域中,本文力图把握国外研究的进展和国内研究的实况,并以此为依据,从而详略不一地列出需优先加以考虑的研究重点或难点,兼及有争论的议题,同时也提出笔者的一些看法。
It locates in prosperous business district with convenient traffic, near at hand to the world-famous Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau. 它位于繁华的商业区,交通便利,与闻名中外的大庆石油管理局近在咫尺。
It logically follows, therefore, that any endorsement on a bearer bill, even if the endorsement is fraudulent, can be ignored. 因此从逻辑上其结果必然是无记名汇票上的任何背书,即使背书是欺诈性的,也可以置之不理。
It looked all over, but Porto equalised three-and-a-half minutes into stoppage time. 眼看比赛就要结束了,但是波尔图在比赛终止前的三分半钟又将比分扳平了。
It looked almost human except that it had a single ,huge, red and glowing eye. 它除了有一只巨大,红色的,闪闪发光的眼睛,看上去就像人类。
It looked around savagely with its gigantic, mesmerizing eyes, and its bright red tongue hung out, twitching. 它正在用它的巨大的、恐怖的眼睛凶猛地环望四周,鲜红的信子一吞一吐。
It looked as if this fondling could go on for some time. 那光景!恩爱仿佛凝固了一般。
It looked at one point as though Parma were certain of signing you. 也有一种说法,帕尔玛一直想同您签订一份转会合同。
It looked enticing enough to be mined by some. 地球被一些人开采,看起来吸引力太大。
It looked for a moment as though Kreacher was going to choke. 顿时,克利切看起来是被噎住了。

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