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Even though Chief Zuo did not kill the sable with this sword move, the audience all marveled at his great sword skill.

Even though (if) it rains. I will go. 即使下雨我也要去。
Even though ,what she says has some truth. 即便如此,她的话也还是有些道理.
Even though Antarctica receives more sunlight than the equator, the temperatures are lower because the ice sheet reflects the heat back into space. 虽然南极洲的光照比赤道多,气温却比它低,因为冰层能将热能反射回天空。
Even though Apollo was a god, he and Hyacinthus were the best of friends. 即使阿波罗是神,他和海辛瑟斯仍是最好的朋友。
Even though Cesc is right-footed, he's left-handed. 尽管塞斯克是右脚球员,但是他却是左撇子。
Even though Chief Zuo did not kill the sable with this sword move, the audience all marveled at his great sword skill. 这一剑虽没刺到貂儿,旁观众人无不叹服,只须剑尖多递得半寸,龚光杰这只眼睛便是毁了。
Even though Dorothy had been taken away from her own country and put in a strange land she did not feel unhappy. 虽然桃乐蒂离开了她的家乡,而置身在一个陌生的国度,但她不觉得不快乐。
Even though Gary Neville is nursing a slight hamstring strain, Eriksson is likely to return to 4-4-2 against Jamaica — and the first two Group B games against Paraguay and Trinidad and Tobago — with Peter Crouch up front in place of the injured Wayne Roon 即使加里内维尔有一点轻微的拉伤,埃里克森可能会返回到442阵型迎战牙买加,还有小组赛B的两个对手巴拉圭与特力尼达和多巴哥,彼特克劳奇将代替受伤的鲁尼的位置。
Even though I also believe that the Reformed view is biblically and historically defensible, I think the Catholic view has more explanatory power to account for both all the biblical texts on justification as well as the church's historical understanding 即使我也相信改革宗观点是符合圣经和历史的,我认为天主教观点更有说服力,更符合圣经上关于称义的原文和从改教追溯到最初几个世纪的教会对救恩的理解。
Even though I am a magnanimous person, I can`t stand your behavior. 我本来是一个宽宏大量的人,但你的行为实在叫人难以忍受。
Even though I are tend not to notice you. 尽管我曾经没有注意到你。

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