These two party names originated with the Glorious Revolution (1688).
中文: 这两个政党名称皆起源于1688年的光荣革命。 更详细进入...
They are paying fighters up to $12 a day to fight the fledgling Afghan National Army, which pays only $4 a day to its soldiers in the field, according to military officials.
中文: 他们付给战斗人员每天多达12美元,以同诞生不久的阿富汗国民军作战。据阿富汗军官说,国民军每天付给前线士兵的军饷仅4美元。 更详细进入...
Disputes over the right of ownership of grasslands or the right to use them that arise between units under ownership by the whole people, between units under collective ownership or between units under ownership by the whole people and those under collect
中文: 全民所有制单位之间、集体所有制单位之间以及全民所有制单位与集体所有制单位之间的草原所有权和使用权的争议,由县级以上人民政府处理。 更详细进入...
We are not regular soldiers,he said. but we are defending our homes. For a militiaman to sacrifice himself is glorious.
中文: “我们不是正规部队,”他说,“可是,我们是在保卫自己的家园。当一个民兵,牺牲了性命也是光荣的。” 更详细进入...
Law is an utterance determined by the common consent of the commonwealth.
中文: 法律是全体公民一致同意所决定意见之表达。 更详细进入...
Some called it a referendum, a term not used lightly in China.
中文: 有人称其为全民**,一个在中国并不常见的词汇。 更详细进入...
Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses.
中文: 兵马未动, 粮草先行。 更详细进入...
He's a conscript.
中文: 他是一名应征士兵。 更详细进入...
Old soldiers never die; they only fade away.
中文: 老兵不死,只是凋零。 更详细进入...
The soldiers are encamped in the forest.
中文: 士兵在森林里安营. 更详细进入...
The soldiers halted for a rest.
中文: 士兵们停下来休息。 更详细进入...
The soldiers relieves the town.
中文: 士兵们解放该城镇。 更详细进入...
The trade of the soldier is war.
中文: 士兵的职业是打仗。 更详细进入...
They issued the soldiers with guns.
中文: 他们把枪发给士兵。 更详细进入...
There's only one thing to do - spend it like there's no tomorrow… because in 12 days' time Britain converts to the Euro and all sterling heads for the incinerator.
中文: 可是,他们可以做的,只是尽量在十二天内将所有金钱花光,皆因到时英磅将要全面换作欧罗,否则一律被焚毁处置。 更详细进入...
Charlie Chaplin is a comic actor of universal appeal.
中文: 查理.卓别林是受全世界 人民喜爱的喜剧演员. 更详细进入...
[NIV] 'But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me.
中文: 无奈我的民不19听我的声音,以色列全不理我。 更详细进入...
But if these complaints add up to the hesitant first steps toward an all-out trade war with China, everyone will lose, including American workers, whom the White House and lawmakers say they are trying to protect.
中文: 但是如果这些抱怨导致与中国之间的贸易战,那么就会导致全盘皆输,受白宫和立法机关保护的美国人也不例外。 更详细进入...
By eye opening at P10-11, both normal and dark reared rabbits have possessed adult-like bipolar cells.
中文: 兔子出生后约10-11天开眼时,不论是正常环境饲养或是全暗环境饲养下的双极细胞皆已经接近成熟的细胞了。 更详细进入...
Olympian efforts were mounted to keep the city from going bankrupt.
中文: 进行了极大的努力使全体市民免受破产之灾 更详细进入...