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    To be sure, the rebel forces are often no kinder, and banditry is rife.

    中文: 可以肯定的是,叛军通常不会仁慈,且所到之处掳掠不断。 更详细进入...
    Objective:To explore the effection of antigen presentation function of dendritic cells(DCs)induced by peach seeds protein(psp)in vitro.

    中文: 目的:探讨桃仁蛋白(psp)对树突细胞抗原递呈功能的影响。 更详细进入...
    Study on Soil Microbial Biomass in Rubber Plantation Intercropping with Amomum villosum or Coffea arabica

    中文: 橡胶林在间种砂仁与咖啡的模式下土壤微生物生物量 更详细进入...
    Middle Permian Foramninfera Fauna of the Daguanshan Formation in Xiahe and Tongren Area,West Qinling,China

    中文: 甘肃夏河-青海同仁一带二叠系大关山组有孔虫动物群 更详细进入...
    Since that exciting day, my colleagues and I have identified at least 45 asses that inhabit the plateau.

    中文: 自从振奋人心的那天开始,我和研究同仁至少已经辨识出45匹在梅西尔高原上的非洲野驴。 更详细进入...
    Try how the life of the good man suits thee, the life of him who is satisfied with his portion out of the whole, and satisfied with his own just acts and benevolent disposition.

    中文: 尝试善人的生活如何适合于你,这种人对由整一中分配与他的心满意足,对自己的正义行为和仁慈举动心满意足。 更详细进入...
    Add the almonds and mix. Pour the whole mixture on the dough and spread out uniformly.

    中文: 加入果仁完全混合,然后均匀分摊在抹了果酱的面团上。 更详细进入...
    In Chinese, almond means joy and pork means rich. It is good for luck to cook this dish during Lunar New Year.

    中文: 杏仁代表幸福,猪扒代表家肥屋??,新年煮这道菜够好意头。 更详细进入...
    The administrators together with group members warmly welcome Foreign Traders to join us.

    中文: 本群管理员携全体群员非常欢迎真诚的外贸同仁加盟。 更详细进入...
    The traditional Neapolitan cake of chocolate and almonds,decorated with icing sugar.

    中文: 以冰糖粉作点缀,传统的那不勒斯风味巧克力杏仁蛋糕。 更详细进入...
    To all who qualify for advancement, we will make every effort to provide opportunity.

    中文: 对于所有具备发展潜力的同仁,我们会尽可能提供机会。 更详细进入...
    We will keep in mind your requirement for Walnutmeat and shall contact you once it is available.

    中文: 我们会留意你方对核桃仁的需求,一侔可供,即与你联系。 更详细进入...
    Effects of amygdaloid nucleus microinjection of cGMP and methylene blue on sleep and wakefulness in rats

    中文: 杏仁核微量注射cGMP和亚甲蓝对大鼠睡眠和觉醒的影响 更详细进入...
    Breteler MM,Claus JJ,Grobbee DE,et al.Cardiovascular disease and distribution of cognitive function in elderly people:the Rotterdam Study[J].BMJ,1994 ;308 (6944):1604-8.

    中文: 秦英,王硕仁,王伟东,等大鼠心肌梗死心衰后空间学习和记忆能力变化特点的研究[J].中国行为医学科学,2005;1:8-11. 更详细进入...
    Specification:Moisture 8% max., Broken kernels(broken that are less than 1/2 whole kernel )8% max., insect damage:0.2%max. unhulled kernels and stick tight:0.5% max., Impurity 0.05% max., free of metal, glass and stones.

    中文: 质量标准:规格:水分不超过8%,破碎仁(1/2以下为碎仁)不超过8%,虫蚀不超过0.2%,未去壳籽和带部分壳不超过0.5%,杂质不超过0.05%,无金属、玻璃和石头。 更详细进入...
    But how shall we expect charity towards others, when we are uncharitable to ourselves?

    中文: 但是,我们对待自己都不仁慈的时候,又怎么可能善待他人? 更详细进入...
    Layers of short crust pastry filled with lemon flavoured pastisserie cream and decorated with pine nuts,dusted with icing sugar.

    中文: 柠檬奶油夹层的酥香蛋糕,表面点缀以用糖粉包裹的松仁。 更详细进入...
    Leave the chocolate macaroon in room temperature until the surface become dry.

    中文: 朱古力蛋白杏仁饼必须放在室温至表面乾身,才可入焗炉。 更详细进入...
    The nucleolus is dark, however, and the cvtoplasm is filled with clumps of darkly stained, basophilic material, implying a content of ribonucleic acid.

    中文: 核仁深染,胞浆充满深染的嗜碱性颗粒,提示含有核糖核酸。 更详细进入...
    The practice of loving kindness and compassion is very practical and easy to accomplish.

    中文: 而对仁爱与慈悲的修持则是十分实际而容易实现的方法。 更详细进入...

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