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Add the almonds and mix. Pour the whole mixture on the dough and spread out uniformly.

Add sugar a little at a time; continue beating until whites are glossy and stiff. 然后慢慢加入砂糖,每次加入少许,继续搅打至蛋白呈现干性发泡。
Add sugar and, if desired, 1/2 cups of raisins. 然后加糖,如果喜欢葡萄干也可以加进去。
Add sugar, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary,it read. 再加糖、牛至、紫苏、百里香、迷迭香即可。
Add the Administrators group, System, and Creator Owner. 添加“管理员组”、“系统”、“所有者”。
Add the ability to automatically render a view script with no intervention. [添加了自动显示视图脚本的能力。
Add the almonds and mix. Pour the whole mixture on the dough and spread out uniformly. 加入果仁完全混合,然后均匀分摊在抹了果酱的面团上。
Add the alum slowly to the cup of hot water. 给这杯热水添加缓慢的明矾。
Add the arrowhead to the left of navigation menu. 添加导航菜单左侧的小箭头.
Add the avocado and cucumber to the cold crabmeat, and mix well. 在冷却后的蟹肉中加入牛油果和黄瓜拌匀.
Add the clams to the freshly cooked spaghetti and mix well, sprinkle pepper, parsley and olive oil on to serve. 将蚬肉加入已烹煮过的意大利面,灑上胡椒、香菜碎及初榨橄榄油即成。
Add the clams to the pan, together with their strained cooking liquid. 将蚬放入锅,加入煮蚬时留下的汤汁再煮。

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