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The traditional Neapolitan cake of chocolate and almonds,decorated with icing sugar.

The traditional American school year begins in late August or early September. It ends in May or June, followed by summer vacation. 以往美国学校开学都在8月末或9月初,在来年5月或6月放暑假。
The traditional Chinese culture is noted for its many luminous ideas: the philosophical precept of harmony without uniformity, the political belief that people is the foundation of the nation, the educational guideline of respecting teachers and valuing e 中国传统文化中有许多精华,例如:“和而不同”的哲学思想,“民为邦本”的民本思想,“尊师重教”的教育思想,“己所不欲,勿施于人”的社会伦理思想,等等。
The traditional Chinese lantern is an open paper container, with a candle inside. 中国传统的灯笼就是用纸做成一个顶部开口的容器,中央放上燃烧的蜡烛。
The traditional Chinese marriage usually involves 6 procedures, namely: matchmaking, engagement, betrothal presents, meeting the bride, three bows, and drinking wedlock wine. 传统的中国婚礼仪式包括6个必备步骤,它们是:说媒、定亲、聘礼、迎娶、拜堂(三鞠躬)、喝交杯酒等六步。
The traditional Embera way of life is to establish temporary villages in forest settings, supporting themselves by gardening, raising poultry and pigs, hunting, fishing and gathering, and then moving on every few years when nearby natural resources become 传统的安比拉生活是在森林中搭建暂时性的村庄,以种植作物、饲养鸡只及猪只、打猎、捕鱼以及采集来满足生活需求,并在两三年后,当附近的自然资源被耗损,且房屋开始变得拥挤或不适,变移居到其他的地方好让那片森林得以休养,回复原貌。
The traditional Neapolitan cake of chocolate and almonds,decorated with icing sugar. 以冰糖粉作点缀,传统的那不勒斯风味巧克力杏仁蛋糕。
The traditional Taoist culture gave him a feeling of freedom, so his poems are filled with interest and meaning of Taoist. 传统的道家文化赋予他一种达观自适的人生态度,他的诗词中充满了浓郁的道家情趣和意味。
The traditional Vocal Pedagogy is a kind of man-to-man teaching method, which is highly relied on the experiences of the teachers. 摘要传统的声乐教学是以经验教学的方式,教师对学生“一对一”的口传心授。
The traditional Wushu can be classified into ones that combine pliability with toughness, or ones that combine long boxing with short boxing. 在“刚柔”方面,传统武术流派可分为“刚中寓柔、柔中寓刚、刚柔并蓄”;在“长短”方面,可分为“长中寓短、短中寓长、长短并蓄”。
The traditional allocation of family roles has, in time, subsided into an established social norm: once a woman is married, she will give up her career and play the role of a housewife, heart and soul. 男主外女主内的传统思想逐渐形成这样一种社会习俗:女子一旦结婚,往往放弃自己的职业,心安理得担负起家庭主妇的职责,相夫教子。
The traditional approach to disinflation assumes that people do not change the way they form expectations when monetary policy changes, so that the relation between inflation and unemployment is unaffected by the change in policy. 通货紧缩的通用方法是假设当货币政策变动时,人们不会改变他们形成预期的方式,所以通货膨胀与失业之间的关系没有受到政策变动的影响。

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