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    Hu Jintao's important speech about concept of socialism honor thoroughly reveals the scientific connotation of the socialist concept of honor, brilliantly sums up the dominant value system of a socialist society, and embodies the essential requirement of

    中文: 摘要胡锦涛同志关于社会主义荣辱观的重要讲话,深刻揭示了社会主义荣辱观的科学内涵,精辟概括了社会主义社会的主导价值体系,集中体现了社会主义基本道德规范的本质要求,具有很强的思想性、指导性和现实针对性。 更详细进入...
    The downstream metabolites of DHEA particularly androstenediol(AED)and androstenetriol(AET)were sig-nificantly more efficacious at preventing morbidity and mortality associated with viral and bacterial in-fection.

    中文: 脱氢表雄酮(dehydroepiandrosterone,DHEA)是人体内多种激素合成的前体,有研究表明,DHEA开辟了通过调节免疫系统抗致死性感染的途径,其代谢产物雄烯二醇(androstenediol,AED)和雄烯三醇(androstenetriol,AET)具有更强的抗病毒和细菌感染的能力,降低机体的发病率和死亡率。 更详细进入...
    By using the measure and research of the emulating two-port network parameters of using direct-current analysis and figure value output function of sinusoidal steady state circuit in circuit emulating software PSPICE8.0, the measure and research have solv

    中文: 摘要利用电路仿真软件PSPICE8.0中直流分析及正弦稳态电路的数值输出功能仿真二端口网络参数的测量与研究,解决了传统实验中只能测量简单、单一的纯电阻网络问题,实现了对任一复杂二端口网络交、直流的分析及Y、Z、T、H等参数的测量与研究,为更多的不易完成的传统实验以及复杂电路的分析研究开辟了一条新路。 更详细进入...
    According to a large number of data in complex industry process, This paper analyses the applied basis of Data Mining (DM) and data characteristics with new views, discusses DM idea, puts forward integrated DM model, gives the future topics, provides a ne

    中文: 摘要针对复杂工业过程中产生积累的大量数据,以新的视角分析了应用数据挖掘的基础和数据特点,讨论了数据挖掘的基本思想,提出了集成数据挖掘的模型结构,为复杂工业过程的监控开辟了一条新的途径并指出了要进一步研究的问题。 更详细进入...
    The speech style in The New Taiwanese People's Newspaper is sharp and exact, and they provide detailed information that allows people to lead more visible, safer, more long-sighted or better-informed lives about colonization, which was suppressed by the c

    中文: 在语言方面,《台湾新民报》言论风格犀利,鞭辟入里,嬉笑怒骂皆成文章,批评政事,支持台湾新文化运动,抨击日本对台湾的殖民政策,宣扬民族主义,对台湾人民进行新思想、新文化的启蒙宣传,推动台湾人民的反日爱国运动,引起了日政当局的注目。 更详细进入...
    From Wu Youru's Hundred Beautiesto Ye Lingfeng's Art for Art's sakedecos to Guo Jianying's New Sensibilityto Zhang Ailing's series of ugly women, the Shanghai artists of one generation after another had made it fashionable to use illustrations as or parti

    中文: 从吴友如的“百艳图”到叶灵凤的“唯美/颓废主义”装饰画到郭建英的“新感觉主义”漫画到张爱玲的丑女系列,一代又一代海派艺术家以插图参与文本叙事,制造时尚潮流,开辟媒体叙述的多重空间,彼此构成一种呼应、衔接、超越、更替的关系。 更详细进入...
    Because the volume of domestic petroleum Production in our country can not meet the need of the development of our national economy and society, it is necessary for China to look for more overseas energy resources by more ways, to participate positively t

    中文: 由于我国石油自给能力无法满足国民经济和社会发展的需求,我国将多方位开辟海外能源渠道,积极参与国际石油资源的开发,进一步积极开展能源外交,在全球能源领域占领战略制高点,保障国际石油运输的安全,以期在日趋激烈的能源争夺战中占主动地位。 更详细进入...
    Curcumin has been shown to induce a wide variety of tumor cells by several mechanisms,mainly including modulation of the expression of oncogenes and cancer suppressor genes,down-regulation the activation of transcription factors,via many signal transducti

    中文: 姜黄素能够诱导多种肿瘤细胞系凋亡,其机制主要是调控癌基因和抑癌基因,下调多个转录因子活性,通过多种信号转导途径,诱发细胞周期停滞而诱导细胞凋亡.对近年来姜黄素诱导细胞凋亡的机制进行综述,以便更好地探求和开辟治疗恶性肿瘤的新途径。 更详细进入...
    The party 16 greatly explicitly pointed out that, Becoming an information based society is our country speeds up the realization industrialization and the modernized inevitably choice, persisted by the becoming an information based society impetus industr

    中文: 党的十六大明确指出:信息化是我国加快实现工业化和现代化的必然选择,坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化路子,对信息化带动工业化作了精辟的论述。 更详细进入...
    The urbanization construction in western national regions should open multi-source investment channel, open urbanization constructing markets, eliminate the unreasonable admittance barriers of non-national investment, optimize the source pattern of invest

    中文: 摘要西部民族地区城镇化建设应开辟多元投资渠道,开放城镇化建设市场,清理对非国有资本的市场准入障碍,通过项目融资、金融融资、地方政府债券融资等途径,优化资金的来源模式,并且必须从法律经济学效益最大化的思想出发,设计相应的法律制度进行保障。 更详细进入...
    Besides strengthens with the motion system manufacturer cooperation, the Sichuan crown reaches positively opens with moves the operation business the cooperation opportunity, in view of the customer specific demand, provides the special service solution,

    中文: 除了加强与移动系统制造商的合作之外,四川冠达积极开辟与移动运营商的合作机遇,针对客户的特定需求,提供特色服务解决方案,为移动通信运营商深入了解移动网络运行情况、提高移动网络设备资源利用率以及提高移动通信网络综合竞争力提供全方位的服务。 更详细进入...
    During the New Democratic Revolution Period, the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao Zedong realized the extreme importance of farmer issues in Chinese Revolution, recognized the sources of declination in the countryside, seized the essence of the rural is

    中文: 摘要新民主革命时期,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党深刻认识到了农村农民问题在中国革命中的极端重要地位,认清了乡村衰败的根源,抓住了农村问题的实质,并发动和领导土地革命,全面改造农村社会,取得了中国革命的胜利,同时,为中国社会的现代化开辟了道路。 更详细进入...
    DJ : No, no, no. You can't.

    中文: 不不不,你不能去。 更详细进入...
    In order to further promote the bridging between transnational retail groups and excellent domestic suppliers and assist oerseas large chain commercial enterprise in slimming procurement procedures ,lower procurement costs and assist more enterprises in d

    中文: 为进一步推动跨国零售集团与国内优秀生产企业的对接,减少采购环节,降低采购成本;同时促进更多的企业直接进入跨国零售集团全球采购网,为我国生产企业走向国际市场开辟新的渠道,国家商务部与江苏省人民政府定于2005年11月在南京共同举办跨国零售集团国际采购会。 更详细进入...
    In order to further promote the bridging between transnational retail groups and excellent domestic suppliers and assist overseas large chain commercial enterprise in slimming procurement procedures ,lower procurement costs and assist more enterprises in

    中文: 为进一步推动跨国零售集团与国内优秀生产企业的对接,减少采购环节,降低采购成本;同时促进更多的企业直接进入跨国零售集团全球采购网,为我国生产企业走向国际市场开辟新的渠道,国家商务部与江苏省人民政府定于2005年11月在南京共同举办跨国零售集团国际采购会。 更详细进入...
    With the historical trend of popularized higher education and the new century's education background that takes practical innovation as priority, learning skills from master teachers proves to be beneficial in many aspects: it can promote the combination

    中文: 在高等教育大众化的历史趋势和以实践创新为主基调的新世纪教育背景下,拜师学艺能促进理论联系实际,提高课堂教学质量和效益;能有效地提高师范生实践教学能力;能密切高校与中小学的联系;能为教育改革发展提供借鉴,为师范生的职前培养和职后发展开辟广阔的空间。 更详细进入...
    No,I won't.(I'm sorry. I can't.

    中文: 不,我不能。(真对不起,我不能。) 更详细进入...
    to consider without appropriateness is not clever, then misunderstanding appears.

    中文: 率不得不知,不得不知则昏。 更详细进入...
    By analyzing the necessity for establishing the new type of household-farm and its characteristics, the following suggestions were provided: 1) Enhance the publicity effort; 2) Fully respect the indigenous knowledge of herdsmen; 3) Set the concept of adva

    中文: 通过对退牧还草工程中建立新型家庭牧场必要性及其特征的分析,提出建立新型家庭牧场的7个对策:加大宣传力度;充分尊重牧民的本土知识;树立现代化草业经营的理念;加快周转,提高经济效益;强化良种,加大畜牧业结构调整;广辟饲料来源,解决饲草料供给;加强技术服务体系建设。 更详细进入...
    Oh, no… no, here he comes.

    中文: 哦,不,不,不,他来了! 更详细进入...

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