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By analyzing the necessity for establishing the new type of household-farm and its characteristics, the following suggestions were provided: 1) Enhance the publicity effort; 2) Fully respect the indigenous knowledge of herdsmen; 3) Set the concept of adva

By analyzing the legal status of compensation for ecological benefits of forest and referring to the practices and experiences of other countries concerned in the respect, the paper puts forward some measures for legislatively perfecting the compensation 该文在分析森林生态效益补偿的法律地位的基础上,借鉴国外的生态效益补偿的成功经验,提出了完善我国森林生态效益补偿的立法措施。
By analyzing the microstructure, the digitized cell model of three-dimensional four-directional composites is established, then the mechanic properties of three-dimensional four-directional composites are calculated by the digitized cell-based finite elem 摘要在确立三维四向编织复合材料数字化单胞力学分析模型的基础上,运用均匀化方法对三维编织复合材料的等效弹性性能进行了分析计算,并讨论了编织角和纤维体积含量对此材料等效弹性性能的影响。
By analyzing the model of radio wave propagation loss, this paper provides a weighted centroid localization algorithm that uses coefficients, which are decided by the influence of beacons to unknown nodes, to prompt localization accuracy. 文中通过对无线电传播路径损耗模型的分析,提出了加权质心定位算法,用信标节点对未知节点的不同影响力来确定加权因子,以提高定位精度。
By analyzing the natural factors, the paper points out that drought, low temperature, scant sunshine and the damages of diseases and vermin are the main factors that influence the planting of winter wheat in dry-lands on Loess Plateau of Gansu. 摘要通过对自然因素分析指出,在陇东黄土高原旱地干旱少雨,低温寡照,病虫危害是该区冬小麦生产的主要影响因子。
By analyzing the necessity and feasibility of using athlete associations to boost the internal intermediation between various industrial associations, the author emphasized that an athlete association should be established in various nationwide single eve 通过对运用运动员协会来促进其行业协会内部调解的必要性和可行性的分析,强调在各个全国性单项体育行业协会中设立运动员协会来促进和完善体育劳资纠纷的解决。
By analyzing the necessity for establishing the new type of household-farm and its characteristics, the following suggestions were provided: 1) Enhance the publicity effort; 2) Fully respect the indigenous knowledge of herdsmen; 3) Set the concept of adva 通过对退牧还草工程中建立新型家庭牧场必要性及其特征的分析,提出建立新型家庭牧场的7个对策:加大宣传力度;充分尊重牧民的本土知识;树立现代化草业经营的理念;加快周转,提高经济效益;强化良种,加大畜牧业结构调整;广辟饲料来源,解决饲草料供给;加强技术服务体系建设。
By analyzing the potential risk of seismic tsunami to Guangdong Province, we think that the risk should come from the east of the South China Sea. 摘要对广东省地震海啸的潜在危险进行了分析,认为广东省可能面临的海啸威胁主要来自南海东部。
By analyzing the predominance of TCM characteristic clinical diagnosis and treatment projects, this paper puts forward the idea of implementing and developing the projects from four aspects of in-depth exploitation, scientific assessment, continuous innov 分析中医临床特色诊疗项目的优势,提出从深入挖掘、科学评估、不断创新、大力推广四个方面重视中医临床特色诊疗项目的实施和发展。
By analyzing the problems and providing solutions, this article summerizes and provides for the teachers easy, quick and effective methods for making courseware. 通过对问题的分析及解决途径,进行总结与归纳,为当前教师进行课件制作提供便捷、高效的方法。
By analyzing the problems emerged during the production of urea-based compound fertilizers and putting forward appropriately technological improvement measures as well as optimizing operation, remarkable results have been obtained in raising the output of 摘要通过分析尿基复合肥生产过程中出现的问题,并相应提出技术改进措施,优化操作,对复合肥产量的提高和产品质量的控制都取得了明显的效果。
By analyzing the process of urban planning and management and combining the modern information technique with the method and steps of the urban planning, the constructive content of the Urban Planning Decision Support System in Foshan is presented, which 结合城市规划和管理的过程,把现代信息技术与城市规划方法和步骤结合起来,提出了当前佛山市城市规划决策支持系统建设内容:佛山市城市发展演变模型分析和构建、辅助决策管理系统建设、城市三维虚拟仿真管理系统建设。

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