His head up,he walked towards the enemies who were armed with big swords.
中文: 他昂着头,朝荷枪实弹的敌人走去。 更详细进入...
The salesclerk showed the man expensive silk ties.
中文: 售货员拿昂贵的丝绸领带给他看。 更详细进入...
We've got an invitation from Leon.
中文: 我们收到了里昂先生的一份邀请。 更详细进入...
The ecological balance is the instinctive movement of the ecosystem by self cause, self conduct, natural presence, and self existence.
中文: 生态平衡是生态系统“自因、自为、自然、自在”的本能运动。 更详细进入...
But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free.
中文: 然而100年后的今天,我们必须正视黑人还没有得到自由这一悲惨的事实。 更详细进入...
The dog-end in the ashtray looks more decadent but has some joy of life. Of course, i never smoke.
中文: 烟灰缸里的烟头也显得更加颓废却又了有生趣。当然我自己是不吸烟的。 更详细进入...
You will be happy when you celebrate other people's good deeds without jealousy. You will enjoy harmony when you are amiable and not egocentric.
中文: 以随喜代替忌妒,自然事事欢喜;以随和代替孤傲,自然处处祥和。 更详细进入...
Here is no comfort and fulfillment, only passionate creation of transitory delight. (Ona Low, My Favourite Season.
中文: 春天没有安然自得,没有任何结果,有的只是激情涌动和转瞬即逝的快乐。 更详细进入...
The mild palette and naturalistic depiction of nature complement his strong feeling for space and compositional arrangement.
中文: 温和的色调和自然主义的描绘与他强烈的空间感和景物布局相得益彰。 更详细进入...
“Who's there?” It's suddenly hard for him to see clearly the face of the person just came in. The one comes directly.
中文: (“什么人?”风突然觉得自己一下无法看清眼前的人。那个人径直向着他走来。) 更详细进入...
It is theorized that Leonardo da Vinci painted his own profile along the boarder of the veil on the face of the Mona Lisa.
中文: 在这一理论中,莱昂那多·达·芬奇沿着蒙娜·丽莎脸上的面纱边缘来刻画他自己的肖像。 更详细进入...
Distribution patterns of giant panda in Guanyinshan and Foping nature reserves
中文: 观音山自然保护区和佛坪自然保护区大熊猫种群的分布格局 更详细进入...
The democratization and dissemination of information throughout the network in all directions irrespective of organizational position ...
中文: 五、分布式的决策。信息自由地为获得授权的员工共享将造成?过程自然被分散而遍布到整个组织。 更详细进入...
The freedom in creativity belongs to "pre-necessity" freedom,that is,freedom prior to one's knowledge of necessity,which means that it does not succumb to necessity and experience already acknowledged.
中文: 创新中的自由是“前必然”自由,是认识必然性之前的自由,它不是按照必然性来行动,因而不受已被认识了的必然性和经验的制约。 更详细进入...
Recent developments in fluorescent phosphors have yielded spectra more like natural sunlight by boosting the red end of their light output.
中文: 最近,通过对荧光灯中的磷改良,使得荧光灯提高了红色光的放射量,使得发出的光线更接近自然光。 更详细进入...
Drugs sometimes cause delirium. Why shouldn't I rave about drugs? What can you do with your own ‘ reality?
中文: 毒品有时会引起狂热呓语,我难道不能对毒品慷慨激昂?你自己的「真实界」又如何处理呢? 更详细进入...
But if you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year, you will have to do more work and the result will not so good.
中文: 如果你不顺其自然,不适时地耕作,你就得付出更多的工作,而结果也不好。 更详细进入...
It has gained great achievement, but still in a dilemma.
中文: 民族自治地方实施农村税费改革已取得重大成效,但依然面临发展困境。 更详细进入...
The women on bikes posed with their chins pointed triumphantly upward toward the sky.
中文: 裸体骑单车的女子在桥上大摆造型,她们以一种洋洋得意的姿态高昂着下巴,冲着天。 更详细进入...
Fascinating investigative documentary about one of mankind's greatest ambitions – controlling the weather.
中文: 自古以来,人不愿屈服,驯服于大自然。 更详细进入...