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The freedom in creativity belongs to "pre-necessity" freedom,that is,freedom prior to one's knowledge of necessity,which means that it does not succumb to necessity and experience already acknowledged.

The fourth part is to propose triply analyses to the question. 第四部分是对问题的三重建议分析。
The fraction-dimension of Sn is .7 in garnet, .8 in vesuvianite, and .9 in anaphase epidote. Sn元素在石榴子石中分布的分形维为 .7; 在符山石中的分形维为 .8;
The fragment C gene of tetanus toxin was amplified from plasmid DNA of Clostridium tetani by PCR. 应用PCR技术直接从破伤风芽孢杆菌质粒DNA中扩增出 Kd的破伤风毒素C片段基因 ,经DNA序列测定证明其为破伤风片段C基因。
The fragment art used in the Robert Coover's masterpiece "Matron" denies the certainty of the reality, breaks the linear structure, shows the "language speech" , and brings the infinite imagination to the reader. 碎片艺术的内涵与效果在罗伯特·库弗的后现代主义小说《保姆》中发挥到了极致,碎片艺术给作家想象带来无限空间,否定了现实的确定性,显现了"语言言说",打破了封闭叙述结构,有利于读者的积极参与。
The free and total cholesterol contents in three kinds of bezoar are between 0.07% to 0.% and 0.% to 0.08% respectively. 三批天然牛黄的测定结果为游离胆固醇0.07~0.%,总胆固醇含量0.~0.08%。
The freedom in creativity belongs to "pre-necessity" freedom,that is,freedom prior to one's knowledge of necessity,which means that it does not succumb to necessity and experience already acknowledged. 创新中的自由是“前必然”自由,是认识必然性之前的自由,它不是按照必然性来行动,因而不受已被认识了的必然性和经验的制约。
The frequencies of KIRDL and KIR DL genes in the decidua of spontaneous abortion (group + group ) were significantly decreased than that in group (P<0.0). 所有自然流产患者(组+组 )蜕膜中的KIRDL 和KIR DL基因表达与正常早孕组(组)比较均明显下降(P<0·0,P<0·0)。
The frequencies of steamed bread making positively related subunit combinations /7+8/+ and null/7+8/+ were . % and 9.7%,respectively; 适合制作优质手工馒头的亚基组合/7+8/+和null/7+8/+出现频率分别为. %和9.7%;
The frequencies of the allomothering behaviors were .9% for approaching, .% for embracing and carrying, 0. % for kissing and 9. % for grooming. 各种行为类型发生的频次从高到低分别为接近(.9%)、怀抱和携带(.%)、吻婴(0. %)和理毛(9. %)。
The frequency of F roller chatter mark is 78 Hz,which is caused by stand horizontal resonance vibration. F轧辊振纹频率为78 Hz,是由机座水平系统共振造成的;
The frequency of HP positivity case in gastro MALT lymphoma is 8.%. 例胃MALT淋巴瘤HP阳性率8.%。

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