It was a dark winter evening.
中文: 那是个黑暗的冬天晚上。 更详细进入...
Man : Why is the sky so dark?
中文: 路人甲:为什么天这么暗? 更详细进入...
You thanked her by weeping your eyes out.
中文: 你报答她,哭得天昏地暗。 更详细进入...
It'll be dark all day and freezing cold.
中文: 天气将变成全天黑暗并且非常寒冷。 更详细进入...
The sky turned dark as the storm came near.
中文: 暴风雨来临时,天空转暗。 更详细进入...
In the Catholic Church, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December is generally a Holy Day of Obligation, and a public holiday in countries where Catholicism is predominant.
中文: 在天主教会,12月8日的无沾成胎说庆祝是一个义务的宗教节日,在天主教国家里是一个公众节日。 更详细进入...
The room was dark even in the daytime.
中文: 这房间即使在日间也是黑暗的。 更详细进入...
It was so dark that I could see nothing.
中文: 天太暗了,我什么也看不见。 更详细进入...
So the people went by stealth into the city that day, as people who are humiliated steal away when they flee in battle.
中文: 撒下19:3那日众民暗暗的进城、就如败阵逃跑惭愧的民一般。 更详细进入...
And the people gat them by stealth that day into the city, as people being ashamed steal away when they flee in battle.
中文: 撒下19:3那日众民暗暗的进城、就如败阵逃跑惭愧的民一般。 更详细进入...
For this has been determined by Absalom since the day Amnon forced Tamar his sister.
中文: 自从暗嫩玷辱押沙龙妹妹他玛的那日,押沙龙就定意杀暗嫩了。 更详细进入...
Unconscious has often been associated with darkness.
中文: 无意识经常和黑暗联系在一起。 更详细进入...
The Cover of Darkness can be used to elude your enemies.
中文: 黑暗天幕可以用来躲避敌人。 更详细进入...
Practice is then held every morning, Monday through Friday at 6:30 AM, RAIN OR SHINE !
中文: 4月8日以后,无论晴天或雨天,周一至周五的每天早上6点30分都要练习。 更详细进入...
As it grew dark, communications deteriorated.
中文: 当天变黑暗的时候,通信恶化。 更详细进入...
Who is on duty today?I am on duty today.
中文: “今天谁值日?”“今天我值日。” 更详细进入...
The article struck a pessimistic note; it suggested there would be no improvement.
中文: 那篇文章不甚乐观,暗示将无改进. 更详细进入...
Wang Xiaoshi did not have any other choices; he had to assassinate Zhuge.
中文: 王小石无可选择。他只有暗杀诸葛。 更详细进入...
The article struck a pessimistic note; it suggested there would be no improvement.
中文: 那篇文章不甚乐观, 暗示将无改进. 更详细进入...
[bbe] And he will be looking down on the earth, and there will be trouble and dark clouds, black night where there is no seeing.
中文: 仰观上天,俯察下地,不料,尽是艰难,黑暗,和幽暗的痛苦。他们必被赶入乌黑的黑暗中去。 更详细进入...