Owners of the rights and interests of foreign capital stocks listed abroad may registered their shares under the names of nominal shareholders according to the provisions of the laws of the place where the list of foreign capital stock holders is kept or
中文: 境外上市外资股的权益拥有人可以依照境外上市外资股股东名册正本存放地或者境外上市地的法律规定,将其股份登记在股份的名义持有人名下。 更详细进入...
Based on agency theory, the paper investigates the relationship between ownership structure and financial constraint level of listed companies in Chinese group corporation.
中文: 摘要本文从大股东代理问题角度,分析了中国企业集团控股股东股权结构与上市公司融资约束水平之间的关系。 更详细进入...
Conclusion The transposition of external femoral condyle periosteal flap pedicled with superiolateral genicular artery or the direct periosteal branch of femoral artery could be designed to repair the superior part of femoral condyle or the middle segment
中文: 结论以膝外上动脉为蒂的股骨外髁骨膜(骨)瓣移位可修复股骨髁上部;以股动脉直接骨膜支为蒂可修复股骨中段。 更详细进入...
Stock exchange with 100 shares is called “Whole Batch Buying”, and Stock exchange with less than100 shares is called “Bulk Buying”. Investors should pay fairly high payments in bulk buying.
中文: 成100股的股票交易称之为“整份购买”。少于100股的股票购买称之为“零星购买”。零星购买时,“投资者”要交较高的费用。 更详细进入...
NOTE: During the 1970s, when freedom of speech was still being suppressed in Taiwan, Cheng Nan-jung, founder of Freedom Era magazine, used both his magazine and direct protest actions to spearhead intensive attacks aimed at broaching the four great taboo
中文: 注1.郑南榕,《自由时代周刊》创刊人,在台湾言论封闭的一九八○年代里,结合杂志与运动以密集攻势突破官方四大禁忌:蒋家神话、军方弊端、二二八、台湾独立。 更详细进入...
He's talking balderdash.
中文: 他胡说八道. 更详细进入...
High-pitched screaming.
中文: 高八度尖叫。 更详细进入...
The H-share index finished at 5,363.06, its highest close since September 25, 1997, with all the 32 index constituents ending higher and 18 stocks up more than 4 per cent on the day.
中文: 国企指数收报5,363.06点,是一九九七年九月二十五日以来的最高位,三十二只成分股全面上扬,其中十八只上升逾百分之四。 更详细进入...
Article 14: Three days prior to the shareholders' general meeting, the listed company shall post on the stock exchange's website the names of the 10 largest public shareholders, the number of shares they hold and their shareholding percentages on record o
中文: 第十四条上市公司应当在股东大会召开前3日,将董事会公告回购股份决议的前一个交易日及股东大会的股权登记日登记在册的前10名社会公众股股东的名称及持股数量、比例,在证券交易所网站上予以公布。 更详细进入...
CCASS Settlement Handling Fee:
中文: 股份交收费: 更详细进入...
In China, a traditional big square table usually dines eight persons.
中文: 在中国一张传统的八仙桌通常可容八人就餐。 更详细进入...
The correct understanding to the reform of separately treating the capital stock and equity capital; the redeem in the form; the main performance of success in the experiment sites; the innovation way to solve the separation treating to the capital stock
中文: 摘要正确认识股权分置改革,股权分置改革中的对价,股权分置改革试点的成功主要表现,解决股权分置要有创新思路,股权分置改革的实施的重大意义。 更详细进入...
rhBMP- releasing system was implanted into the thigh muscle pouches of mice in one side and 0. mg rhBMP- was implanted into the other side.
中文: 于小鼠股部肌袋一侧植入重组人骨形态发生蛋白载体释放系统,另一侧单纯植入0.mg重组人骨形态发生蛋白。 更详细进入...
All drafts must be marked drawn under habib bankand amounts thereof endorsed on this letter of credit by engotiation bank.
中文: 前半句话的意思还明白,就是要求在汇票上注明冒号里的那句话,可后面是什么意思? 更详细进入...
He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market.
中文: 他对股票买卖缺乏经验,在股票市场上吃了亏。 更详细进入...
Scouring is not required and bleaching is usually also unnecessary since the whiteness is usually sufficient for dyeing and printing.
中文: 如果面料的白度足够且能用以染色和印花的话,一般就不再需要洗涤和漂白了。 更详细进入...
Program trading commissions average 1.3 to 1.5 cents per share, against 3 to 4 cents per share for single stock commissions, Mr Hintz said.
中文: 组合套利佣金平均每股为1.3到1.5美分,而单只股票佣金平均每股为3到4美分。 更详细进入...
The Tokyo stock market was flat and several others a fraction of a percent lower, but the Hong Kong and South Korean markets fell one percent.
中文: 东京股市表现平平,其中一些股票稍降1%,但是香港和韩国股市下挫1个百分点。 更详细进入...
He returned to Italy in 1848, a year of European revolutions.
中文: 他在一八四八年重返意大利,当时正值欧洲革命。 更详细进入...