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He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market.

He was indebted to her for nursing him through pneumonia. 他感激她护理好了他的肺炎。
He was indeed more honored than the thirty, but he did not attain to the three. And David set him over his bodyguard. 25他比那三十个勇士都尊贵,只是不及前三个勇士。大卫立他作护卫长。
He was indicted for murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪.
He was indifferent to insults and scorns thrown at him. 他对别人对他的侮辱与嘲笑不屑一顾。
He was indiscriminate in his choice of friends. 他择友不慎重。
He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market. 他对股票买卖缺乏经验,在股票市场上吃了亏。
He was infected with a latent infection. 他被感染了一种潜伏性的传染病。
He was inflamed with anger. 他满腔怒火。
He was injured and dehydrated but alert. 据称,他当时受了伤并且脱水,但仍然处于清醒状态。
He was injured due to(owing to)a car accident. 他由于一起汽车事故受了伤。
He was innocent of stratagems and polity. 他对于计谋和政治组织是天真的。

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