Terms of Service: Denmark employs a conscription system with terms lasting from four to 12 months. Members of certain ranks are required to serve terms up to 24 months.
中文: 兵役制度:丹麦实行义务兵役制,服役期为12个月,某些特殊兵种需服役24个月。 更详细进入...
This may be enough to deter hostile governments, but insurgents and militias might be less worried.
中文: 这可能足够吓住敌对的政府,然而叛乱分子和民兵部队却无需如此担心。 更详细进入...
中文: 关于我国晚出同名三叶虫属及其替代名 更详细进入...
Local militias can range greatly in training and equipment, while some are little more than unarmoured peasants with weapons, others are well trained, semi professional militias, armed with quality pikes and plate armour.
中文: 地方民兵在装备和训练上差别极大,有的只是无护甲的拿武器的农夫,有的则是训练良好的,使用优质长枪和板甲的半职业民兵。 更详细进入...
He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his strength; He goes out to meet the weapons.
中文: 伯39:21他在谷中刨地、自喜其力.他出去迎接佩带兵器的人。 更详细进入...
So we laboured in the work: and half of them held the spears from the rising of the morning till the stars appeared.
中文: 21于是,我们做工,一半拿兵器,从天亮直到星宿出现的时候。 更详细进入...
Despite fine acting by several well-known stars it was a young newcomer who stole the show.
中文: 尽管几位名角演出都很出色,却未曾想竟让一名新秀抢尽风头。 更详细进入...
These domain is for sale or rent or cooperate!
中文: 此域名正在竞价出售、出租或合作! 更详细进入...
This domain is for sale or cooperate !
中文: 此域名正在竞价出售、出租或合作! 更详细进入...
If a web designer does not understand the mindset of a marketer or a salesperson, they won't understand the logic of how to create pages that sell.
中文: 如果一名设计师不具备推销人员的思想,也就无法制作出非常理想的促销页面了. 更详细进入...
They have an air of freedom, and they not a dreary commitment to mean ambitions or love of comfort.
中文: 他们无拘无束。既不追逐卑鄙的名利,也不贪图生活的舒适。 更详细进入...
German police have detained two American soldiers over a fire in a town hall in western Germany which investigators believe was arson, a U.S. military spokesman said.
中文: 德国警方因德国西部一处镇公所失火而羁押了两名美国士兵,调查人员相信这场火警是纵火,一名美军发言人说。 更详细进入...
Pick's construction system: Chinese Army engineers led, clearing a trace.
中文: 皮克的筑路方法:中国的陆军工程兵打头,清理出一条小径。 更详细进入...
Still no sign of those six trapped miners in Utah.
中文: 犹他州六名被困矿工仍然杳无音讯。 更详细进入...
He is exempt from military service.
中文: 他免服兵役。 更详细进入...
I couldn't summon up his name at the moment.
中文: 此时我无论如何想不起他的名字了。 更详细进入...
He laid a wreath at the grave of the unknown soldier.
中文: 他在无名军人的墓前放了一个花圈。 更详细进入...
There is no need to list these writers.
中文: 这里无须一一列举这些作家的名字。 更详细进入...
The soldier's duty status remains listed as whereabouts unknown,according to a U.S. military news release Tuesday.
中文: 根据美国军方星期二发表的一份新闻公报,这名士兵的现状仍被列入“下落不明”。 更详细进入...
There were many soldiers and cavalry units who fought and died in the war.
中文: 在战争期间,有许多士兵与骑兵队员光荣战死。 更详细进入...