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Terms of Service: Denmark employs a conscription system with terms lasting from four to 12 months. Members of certain ranks are required to serve terms up to 24 months.

Terms of Payment: By Confirmed Irrevocable L/C to be opened by Buyers. 付款条件:用买方开出的保兑、不可撤消信用证.
Terms of Payment: deposit, 30% of the inoice alue after the place of order(transfer through account in HK bank);balance, to be settled before shipment. 付款方式:下订单时30%定金(香港银行账户汇款),其余70%的货款装运前付清(香港银行账户汇款)。
Terms of Payment: deposit, 30% of the invoice value after the place of order(transfer through account in HK bank);balance, to be settled before shipment. 付款方式:下订单时30%定金(香港银行账户汇款),其余70%的货款装运前付清(香港银行账户汇款)。
Terms of Payment: □ By 100% confirmed, Irreocable, Transferable and Diisible Letter of Credit to be aailable by sight draft and to remain alid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the aforesaid Time of Shipment. 付款条件:□开给我方100%不可撤销即期付款及可转让可分割之信用证,并须注明可在上述装运日期后15天内在中国议付有效。
Terms of Payment: □ By 100% confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and Divisible Letter of Credit to be available by sight draft and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the aforesaid Time of Shipment. 付款条件:□开给我方100%不可撤销即期付款及可转让可分割之信用证,并须注明可在上述装运日期后15天内在中国议付有效。
Terms of Service: Denmark employs a conscription system with terms lasting from four to 12 months. Members of certain ranks are required to serve terms up to 24 months. 兵役制度:丹麦实行义务兵役制,服役期为12个月,某些特殊兵种需服役24个月。
Terms of payment: By 100% Confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and Divisible Letter of Credit in our favour to be available by sight draft and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the 10th day after the aforesaid time of shipment. 付款条件:开给我方100%保兑的、不可撤消的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证,并注明在上述装运日期后十天内在中国议付有效.
Terms such as bounty hunter , gunslinger and to have an itchy trigger finger came from the pens of Hollywood scriptwriters rather than the dusty cattle drives. 一些字汇像是追捕悬赏之罪犯者、枪战者,以及爱扣板机,都是出自好来坞剧本家的笔下,而非来自灰尘弥漫的驱赶牛群队伍之中。
Terms such as canyon, plaza, sombrero, patio, burro, stampede, rodeo, bonanza and pronto all trace their origins to the Spaniards who owned the Southwest before the Americans did. 一些像是峡谷、购物中心、墨西哥宽边草帽、中庭(内院)、驮货的小毛驴、狂冲的牛群、公开的牛仔竞技、走鸿运和立刻等字眼,都可以追本溯源到那些在美国人之前就拥有西南部的西班牙人。
Terms such as lameness, weakness, numbness, heaviness, cramps, and tiredness may each mean pain, weakness, or alteration of sensation to some patients. 像走路发拐、虚弱、麻木、发沉、痉挛、疲困之类的辞语,对某些病人来说,可能是用来分别反映疼痛、软弱或感觉异常。
Terms to approed buyers strictly net cash, payment within thirty days from inoice date, for prompt cash we will allow thirty days interest, at the rate of 5% per annum. 顾客向我公司购货一律用现金支付。从发票开出之日起,30日内将货款付清。如当即支付现款,我公司当按年利5%计付30日的利息。

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