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    Secret memorials were confidential documents submitted by Ming subjects to the emperor.

    中文: 摘要密疏是时代臣民上呈给皇帝的一种秘密上行文书。 更详细进入...
    Habitat Suitability Assessment on the Tarim subspecies of Red Deer (Cervus elaphus yarkandensis) in the Lower Reaches of Cherchen River,Xinjiang,China

    中文: 新疆车尔臣河下游塔里木马鹿(Cervus elaphus yarkandensis)生境适宜性评价 更详细进入...
    For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and the year of my redemption has come.

    中文: 4因为报仇之日在我心中,救赎我民之年已经来到。 更详细进入...
    Now he was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon; and with one accord they came to him, and having won over Blastus the king's chamberlain, they were asking for peace, because their country was fed by the king's country.

    中文: 徒12:20希律恼怒推罗西顿的人.他们那一带地方、是从王的地土得粮、因此就托了王的内侍臣伯拉斯都的情、一心来求和。 更详细进入...
    Both may 12)bode well for tolerance.

    中文: 也许这两者都预示着宽容之心。 更详细进入...
    Love makes all hard hearts gentle.

    中文: 爱情把一切冷酷之心变成温柔。 更详细进入...
    Thereafter open heart surgery was undertaken.

    中文: 之后病人接受了开心手术矫正。 更详细进入...
    This is because there are many careless and thoughtless people.

    中文: 这是因为有许多粗心大意之人。 更详细进入...
    Lord of Thunder, Sword of Lightning, Wings of Fire, come to me! Heart of Darkness, Spirit Rising, Waken Dragon, I summon thee!

    中文: “雷之主,电之剑,火之翼,请来到我面前。黑暗之心,灵魂复活,唤醒龙神,我在召唤你。” 更详细进入...
    While his intentions are to save lived and prevent injuries, this manger is perceived as vindictive, uncaring and self-serving.

    中文: 当他的意图将解救居住问题和防止伤害,这一个职员被察觉存有恶意报仇之心,不关心和自私的。 更详细进入...
    Everybody likes beauty, however, maybe sometimes the reality of beauty is far from so perfect, furthermore, it would be harm to us.

    中文: 摘要:爱美之心人皆有之,但俗话说“黄蜂尾后针,最毒妇人心”,美丽的背后往往暗藏杀机。 更详细进入...
    It's an usual rivalry between brother and sister.

    中文: 那是兄妹之间常见的钩心斗角。 更详细进入...
    One of her ambitions is to become a doctor.

    中文: 她的野心之一是成为一个医生。 更详细进入...
    Open your eyes and see things as they really are.

    中文: 打开心灵之窗,看清事物的本质。 更详细进入...
    They all keep an eye on me, from a distance.

    中文: 他们对我敬而远之,并怀有戒心。 更详细进入...
    Where are we in their minds?

    中文: 我们在他们心目中之认知为何? 更详细进入...
    The Central Question of the Controversies between Gould and Dawkins

    中文: 古尔德——道金斯之争的核心问题 更详细进入...
    When I had read it I was filled with horror.

    中文: 我读完它之后,心里充满了恐怖。 更详细进入...
    It's full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent; It's worth a million dollars, and it doesn't cost a cent.

    中文: 它充满价值和美好,混合着坚毅的仁爱之心;它价值连城却不花一文。 更详细进入...
    The first phase of litigation went against Nina; the judge called the 1990 will “utterly ridiculous”.

    中文: 诉讼的第一阶段对龚如心不利;法官认为1990年的遗嘱“纯属无稽之谈”。 更详细进入...

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