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It's an usual rivalry between brother and sister.

It's an unattractive building, even ugly/ugly even. 这座建筑物很不起眼, 甚至可以说很难看.
It's an unforgettable experience. 这是一次难忘的经历。
It's an unlawful assembly. 那是非法集会。
It's an unpopular measure, but the situation necessitates it. 这是不得人心的办法,但形势需要这样做。
It's an unwritten law around here that everyone fetches his own coffee, even the managers. 这儿有一条不成文法,即每人自己去取咖啡,哪怕是经理也是如此。
It's an usual rivalry between brother and sister. 那是兄妹之间常见的钩心斗角。
It's an utter mystery. 这完全是个谜。
It's an utter waste of time. 这完全是浪费时间。
It's annoying that the chimneys of those plants in the city eject a lot of smoke every day. 城里工厂的烟囱每天都吐出大量的烟尘,很是讨厌。
It's annoying to have to get authorization for spending such piddling amounts of money. 花这麽一点钱也要去请示, 真烦人.
It's another 45 minutes before Morgan is finally able to drift off. 到迈甘美渐渐进入睡乡的时候,时间已又过去了45分钟。

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