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    In the end, each quest can be based on a variety of instances.

    中文: 总之,每个任务取决于各种场合。 更详细进入...
    Kaka,don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

    中文: 卡卡,不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 更详细进入...
    Article 7 An act in breach of duty under administrative law is not punishable unless committed intentionally or negligently.

    中文: 第7条违反行政法上义务之行为非出于故意或过失者,不予处罚。 更详细进入...
    In terms of service enhancements, many players have taken advantage of the Paid Character Transfer service, which enables players to move characters between realms.

    中文: 在增加的服务中,许多玩家享受了付费转服的好处,这使玩家的角色可以在不同的服务器之间转移。 更详细进入...
    Article 21 The council and the board of supervisors carry out their duties according to the articles adopted in general meeting.

    中文: 第21条(理、监事执行职务)理、监事会,依照会员大会之决议及章程之规定,分别执行职务。 更详细进入...
    Your high energy and discipline will enable you to complete any seemingly insurmountable tasks.

    中文: 双子:精力充沛、严于律已的你不费吹灰之力便能完成看上去不可能完成的任务。 更详细进入...
    The woman librarian was very anxious__ and so was he__.

    中文: 那位女图书管理员很着急,他也焦虑不安。 更详细进入...
    The waiters or waitresses can serve you within 10 minutes after you order your food.

    中文: 在你点餐之后,服务员会在10分钟之内把饭菜送齐. 更详细进入...
    Don't gabble, Lucy, I can't understand when you run your words together.

    中文: 不要说得那么急,露西,你说话象连珠炮似的,我听不懂。 更详细进入...
    Everything was Green Paper and he wasn't having to pull out so soon.

    中文: 事情还只不过是个初步设想,他用不着这样急于脱身。 更详细进入...
    LL: I said put it on the back burner.

    中文: 你是说我养狗不现实,所以不要着急,应该暂时放一放。 更详细进入...
    Above all , the first aid is very imporant at the emergency period .

    中文: 首先在急救中,现场急救是很重要的。 更详细进入...
    He took a running jump at stock exchange and make no money on it.

    中文: 他急急地去炒股票,一点钱也没赚到。 更详细进入...
    Article 20 A party to a collective agreement or his successor in rights shall not resort to any combative practices to imperil the existence of the agreement or of any of its provisions.

    中文: 第20条(不得妨害义务)团体协约当事人及其权利承继人,对于妨害团体协约之存在,或其各个规定之存在之一切斗争手段不得采用。 更详细进入...
    He huddled the children into the automobile.

    中文: 他急急忙忙地把孩子们推进汽车。 更详细进入...
    Never in his life had Shaya run to first. He scampered down the baseline wide eyed and startled.

    中文: 沙亚此前还从来没有跑到过一垒球去。他急急地跑过垒线,眼睛瞪得大大的,惊诧不已。 更详细进入...
    This paper introduces the concept of emergency state, lawmaking situation of emergency state around the world, losing rights on emergency state, and analyzes the civil rights and obligation under emergency state.

    中文: 本文围绕紧急状态立法从紧急状态的定义、国内外紧急状态立法情况、紧急权、紧急失权等方面进行阐述,提出了紧急状态下公民应有的基本权利。 更详细进入...
    A business may establish its own accounting system based on the actual business operation, nature of accounting affairs, internal control, and management need.

    中文: 商业得依其实际业务情形、会计事务之性质、内部控制及管理上之需要,釐订其会计制度。 更详细进入...
    Rotarian objective to lie in encourages and raises: “Ideal of take the service” foundation of as the valuable enterprise, encourages with to raise especially emphatically “augments the acquaintance” to become opportunity of the expansion service; Raises “

    中文: 扶轮的宗旨在于鼓励并培养:以「服务之理想」为可贵事业之基础,尤其著重鼓励与培养「增广相识」成为扩展服务之机会;在各种事业与专业中提高「道德标准」、认识一切有益社会的「职业价值」;每一位扶轮社员应「尊重其本身之业务,藉以服务社会」,并以服务之理想应用于个人、事业及社会之生活;透过「结合具有服务理想之各种事业及专业人士」,以世界性之联谊增进国际间之了解、亲善与和平。 更详细进入...
    [NIV] Be merciful to me, O Lord , for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and my body with grief.

    中文: 9[和合]耶和华啊!求你怜恤我,因为我在急难之中;我的眼睛因忧愁而干16瘪,连我的身心也不安舒。 更详细进入...

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