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In terms of service enhancements, many players have taken advantage of the Paid Character Transfer service, which enables players to move characters between realms.

In terms of relative ranking, the only change is the swapping of positions between Stephen Ip's 2nd place last time, and Sarah Liao's 4th place last time. 排名次序方面,除了上次排名第2的经济发展及劳工局局长叶澍?i和排名第4的环境运输及工务局局长廖秀冬位置对调外,其馀都没有变化。
In terms of scientific significance, Delgado believes his experiment on a female chimpanzee named Paddy deserved more attention. 以科学的重要性而言,戴尔嘎多认为他在派蒂这只雌黑猩猩身上所做的实验,更值得重视。
In terms of sector performance, Commerce and Industry Sector performed best, helped by strong performance of China-related shares and cyclical stocks. 就板块表现而言,商业和工业板块表现最佳,得益于中国概念股和周期性股票的强劲上涨。
In terms of security, ease of use, high level descriptions software really is just at the beginning. 以安全,使用的安逸,高水准的描述软件刚好真的是在开始。
In terms of self-determination on the needs of self-actualization, there was a significant difference between level of mental retardation. 3.不同背景变项对自我决策表现之预测情形(1)就生理需求方面之自我决策而言,仅有中部区域具预测力。
In terms of service enhancements, many players have taken advantage of the Paid Character Transfer service, which enables players to move characters between realms. 在增加的服务中,许多玩家享受了付费转服的好处,这使玩家的角色可以在不同的服务器之间转移。
In terms of service system Pleasure offers free and all-sided computer design service High-speed delivery system professional maintenance department can provide flawless pre-sell, sell and after sale services for our customers. 在服务系统方面:免费完善的电脑平面设计服务,快及的供货系统,专业的保养服务部门,为顾客提供完美的售前、售后服务。
In terms of software localization, this means the production of interfaces that are meaningful and comprehensible to local users. 对于软件的本地化,这个过程意味着生成有意义的,用户能够理解的软件界面。
In terms of soil erosion control, the six models were in the order of desertation for natural restoration > pasture > chestnut plus honeysuckle > bamboo> cajan > common zenia, whereas in terms of the economic benefit, the order would be pasture > common z 对水土保持最好的是自然抛荒,其次是牧草、板栗+金银花、毛竹和木豆,最差的是任豆;经济效益最好的是牧草,其次是任豆、毛竹、板栗+金银花和木豆,最差是自然抛荒。
In terms of strange behavior, it doesn't get much more bizarre than when a man attempts to secure a woman's romantic interest. 说到奇怪的行径,没有什么比男人为了得到女人的爱情所做的事情更奇异。
In terms of sustainable use level of water resources, Xinjiang is at the highest level, while Ningxia is at the lowest. 其中,新疆在五省区中可持续利用综合水平最高,宁夏最低。

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