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    Financing choice of middle-and-small sized firms is a dynamic problem, and their financing preference is different because of different internal and external environment and different combination of goals.

    中文: 中小企业的融资选择是一个动态问题,企业在不同阶段面临的内外环境和追求目标组合不同而使得其融资偏好不同。 更详细进入...
    Budgeting activities throughout the organization will be per-formed by finance department personnel located at head office and. subsidiaries, and responsible center managers located throughout the organization.

    中文: 企业的预算工作由设在总公司或下属企业的财务部,以及公司内的各级责任中心负责完成。 更详细进入...
    Degree in accountancy or equivalent professional qualification with one or two years working experience in accounting and finance .

    中文: 正规大学毕业,会计及相关大专及本科学历。有一年及以上制造企业实际会计经验。 更详细进入...
    Don't try to keep ahead in the rat-race- it isn't worth it.

    中文: 不要企图在你争我夺中占据领先地位——那是不值得的。 更详细进入...
    Currently, China's production of a common valve leakage, which leak, visual quality is not high, short life, and not flexible operating valves and electrical devices such as pneumatic devices unreliable shortcomings of some products, only the equivalent o

    中文: 目前我国企业生产的各种阀门普遍存在着外漏、内漏、外观质量不高、寿命短、操作不灵活以及阀门电动装置和气动装置不可靠等缺点,部分产品只相当于上世纪80年代初的国际水平。 更详细进入...
    Article 32. The enterprise shall have the right to decide on its organizational structure and the size of its personnel.

    中文: 第三十二条企业有权决定机构设置及其人员编制。 更详细进入...
    You'll be surprised how much you can learn in just one call.

    中文: 电话英语是提升企业员工及公司形象的绝佳方式。 更详细进入...
    The enterprise nanhai xinhuabao decorative hardware products factory integrated with us drives out Door clamp also among other things.

    中文: 是一家门锁范围内,以及家具配件、门固定装置和关节接头、活动关节、铰链、折页范围内可靠的工业型企业。 更详细进入...
    In view of uncertain factors of an enterprise's loyalty to its staff, this paper applies the conception and methods of fuzzy mathematics to set up a model with many levels of fuzzy evaluation, which has great practicality and operationality, and can give

    中文: 本文针对企业对员工忠诚存在的不确定因素,应用模糊数学的概念和方法,建立了企业忠诚度的多层次模糊评价模型,该方法具有较强的实用性和可操作性,能够对企业起到一定的指导作用。 更详细进入...
    Various facilities and associated equipments in the display site of the Exhibition Center are of advanced level domestically, can provide complete real estates service to create good display conditions for exhibitor.

    中文: 展览中心硬件及配套设施居国内先进水平,可提供完善的物业服务,为各界商企创造良好的展览条件。 更详细进入...
    We have The Secondary Level certificate of municipal construction project. We can undertake all kinds of industrial waste water, gas-treament and Center Air conditioner Engineering.

    中文: 公司具有市政建设工程施工贰级企业资质证书。可以承接各类工业废水,生活污水及废气工程的总承包。 更详细进入...
    This rise in exports has been greeted with cheer in an industry that has faced dire problems, due to falling consumption in France, overproduction and greater competition from New World wineries.

    中文: 在新的国际葡萄酒业生产中,不断下降的消费量、强大的竞争压力和过度生产等因素导致不少企业一直面临着严重的问题,对于这些企业来说,目前出口的不断增长不能不说是挽救企业发展的好兆头。 更详细进入...
    A poor prognosis is expected because of the delay in diagnosis and the consequent irreversible cardiopulmonary alterations.

    中文: 诊断上的延迟及不可逆的心肺病变,为其预后不佳的主因。 更详细进入...
    That would make Tehran think twice about meddling in Iraq.

    中文: 这有可能迫使德黑兰在企图干涉伊拉克时三思而行。 更详细进入...
    An ephedrine export enterprise shall go through the formalities for the obtainment of the certificate of purchase and use for ephedrine export at the state department of pharmaceutical administration along with the ephedrine export license issued by the M

    中文: 麻黄素出口企业持外经贸部签发的麻黄素出口许可证及上述有关材料,到国家药品管理部门办理麻黄素出口购用证明,到指定的麻黄素定点经营企业购买。 更详细进入...
    The information infrastructure has the potential to link citizens to each other and to the world, and to foster social cohesion.

    中文: 信息基础设施可以清楚了解市民的需求和企业需要。 更详细进入...
    The intensity of social entrepreneurship can and does ebb and flow over time.

    中文: 社会企业家的强度可以,而且也的确随着时间而波动。 更详细进入...
    We have the license to run lmp. &Exp. Business directly with any country.

    中文: 企业拥有自营进出口经营权,可直接与外商开展贸易。 更详细进入...
    Properties that are occupied by the Party organization, the Youth League and labor union in State-owned enterprises with the exception of assets purchased or built with party membership fees, League membership fees, labor union membership fees and activit

    中文: (六)国有企业中党、团、工会组织等占用企业的财产,但以党费、团费、会费以及按照国家规定由企业拨付的活动经费等结余购建的资产外。 更详细进入...
    About 77 per cent said they would not employ hepatitis B carriers.

    中文: 的被访企业表示不接受乙肝病毒携带者。 更详细进入...

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