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That would make Tehran think twice about meddling in Iraq.

That would disappoint many Japanese, most of whom favor giving women equal rights to the throne. 很多日本人也会感到失望,他们大部分支持女人应有平等权利继承皇位。
That would disappoint the hedge funds that have been driving up the price of the 9% of shares already quoted. 这一做法可能使对冲基金失望,尽管其抬高了那已报过价的百分之九的股份。
That would exceed even the rosiest predictions on Wall Street. 如果成功,它会超过华尔街最为乐观的预测。
That would explain why you're always locked in the bathroom. 这就是你为什么总是把自己锁在浴室的原因。
That would limit the total number of character combinations. 这将会限制字符组合的总量。
That would make Tehran think twice about meddling in Iraq. 这有可能迫使德黑兰在企图干涉伊拉克时三思而行。
That would mean that bees have an African origin and are almost as old as flowering plants, which would help explain a lot about the evolutionary diversification of these plants. 这意味着蜜蜂几乎同古老的有花植物一起起源于非洲,这将有助于解释这些植物进化的多样性。
That would need to happen for a great deal of extra debt to make sense in such a volatile industry. 然而一旦这样,这个急剧波动的工业还会背负更大数目的债务。
That would not be surprising, because of the weakness of public markets that private equity has pointed up. 由于私募股权突显了公开股市所存在的弱点,那可能不会令人惊讶。
That would not guarantee security against a search for the presence or absence of a particular name and address. 反数据库无法保障有关搜索某个名字或地址存在与否之操作的安全性。
That would not only make the financial end more palatable to the club, but would also allow the future Hall of Famer to have a chance to pick up his 300th victory in an Arizona uniform. 这对球队来说可能是更大的负担,但这样一来也给这名未来名人堂的选手一个追逐个人职棒生涯300胜的机会。

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