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A poor prognosis is expected because of the delay in diagnosis and the consequent irreversible cardiopulmonary alterations.

A poor life as we live, my family were in harmony. 尽管很穷,我们家却过得很和睦。
A poor man came to the door and asked for money for a cup of tea yesterday. My mother, always happy to help a lame dog over a stile, invited him in for a meal. 昨天,有位穷人来到我家门口想讨点钱去喝杯茶,我母亲总是乐于助人于危难之中,请他进屋吃了一顿饭。
A poor man in Ireland was plodding along toward home, carrying a huge bag of potatoes. 在爱尔兰有个穷人,扛著一大袋马铃薯,步履艰难地回家去。
A poor man pleads for mercy, but a rich man answers harshly. 23贫穷人说哀求的话。富足人用威吓的话回答。
A poor mental image of God is the fundamental sin that the second commandment tries to help us avoid. 第二条诫命就是要让我们避免犯这个很根本的罪:我们可怜的对上帝的想象力。
A poor prognosis is expected because of the delay in diagnosis and the consequent irreversible cardiopulmonary alterations. 诊断上的延迟及不可逆的心肺病变,为其预后不佳的主因。
A poor relation is the most irrelevant thing in nature. 穷亲戚是实际上最不相干的东西。
A poor show where old and apprentice actors are fighting with stupid trics to became the lead of it. 一场可怜的表演,一群年纪大的却又幼稚的演员用拙劣的愚蠢的小把戏来显示和突出自己的表演。
A poor student, he received no more than a grammar school education, and eventually took up photography as a trade. 他是一个穷学生,仅受过小学教育,最后以摄影作为自己的职业。
A poor young man can't satisfy the material girl, so he works hard by hook or by crook. 穷飕飕的年轻人满足不了拜金女孩的需要,所以他不择手段地努力奋斗。
A poorly engineered, designed, manufactured or installed probe can render a routine spectroscopic measurement worthless. 一个工艺简陋、设计不合理、制造质量差以及安装水平低的探头会使得常规的光谱测量结果毫无意义。

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