In July 2005 the Trust approved a grant of $96.36 m. for converting the Nam Long Hospital into a nursing home and covering its operational deficits for the first two years.
中文: 2005年7月,香港赛马会慈善信托基金慷慨捐赠9,636万元,用以改建南朗医院的建筑费用及支付该院首两年的运作赤字。 更详细进入...
I learned something from this exercise because I did not know there were so many different camellia varieties and I go to know this generous and wonderful gentleman.
中文: 由这次的拜访我学到许多事因为我从不知道茶花有那麽多种不同的品种且我因而认识了这位又慷慨又棒透了的先生. 更详细进入...
LL: I sure do. Before I left, my uncle came by and gave me a new camera to take with me to Yosemite. I was blown away by his generosity.
中文: 你叔叔那么好呀!知道你要出去玩还特地送你一个新的照相机呀!他这么慷慨,人人都会感到惊异,而且还会让人羡慕你呐。 更详细进入...
President Ronald LU presented a souvenir to Mr. Eric CHENG as a token of appreciation of his generous sponsorship to the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Architecture Biennale 2007.
中文: 吕元祥会长致送纪念品予郑锦钟先生,感谢他亲临本会2007年度之第二季季度大会,及慷慨赞助深圳-香港城市建筑双年展. 更详细进入...
Refrain from trying to buy your way into someone's heart. Even worse you mustn't let someone take advantage of your generosity or you'll end up in the poorhouse.
中文: 巨蟹座:本周巨蟹要克制自己不去收买某人的心。更糟糕的是不要让别人认为你的慷慨是理所当然,否则你将终老于救济院。 更详细进入...
Resonant mass detectors are less expensive to build than laser interferometer detectors.
中文: 建造共振质量探测仪不像建造激光干涉计探测仪那么昂贵。 更详细进入...
But there is a snag. Experts warn that biofuels are very expensive to produce—roughly twice as costly as gasoline—and can only become viable with generous government subsidies.
中文: 不过存在一个障碍。专家警告说,生物燃料的生产成本非常高—大约是汽油的两倍,除非政府提供慷慨的补贴,否则缺乏可行性。 更详细进入...
The article compares Yanjiansheng with the several famous cheapskates in the Europe literary world from selfhood character, action representation, spirit substance and writer's producing background and intention, and considers Yanjiansheng is not one of c
中文: 在对中西文化差异的观照下,区别严监生与欧洲文学中的四大吝啬鬼形象在个性特征、行为表现、精神实质等方面的不同,认为严监生并不属于吝啬鬼类型中的一个,而是具有吝啬和慷慨两面特征的“另一个”,他既吝啬又慷慨的表现取决于中国科举文化和封建伦理压制下的卑微人格。 更详细进入...
Whether for real or for show,the preparations have caused outrage.
中文: 不管是真干还是在作秀,朝鲜试设飞弹的准备工作已经激起了各界的愤慨。 更详细进入...
Each member's decision to become a Major Donor to the Foundation reflects the generosity and involvement essential to the Foundation's purpose, as Arch Klumph put it, “of doing good in the world.
中文: 每一位社员的决定成为基金会钜额捐献人,反映出他们主要是对基金会的目的-阿奇?柯蓝夫所谓的〝行善于全世界〞的慷慨与参与。 更详细进入...
Othello. A liberal hand: the hearts of old gave hands; But our new heraldry is hands, not hearts.
中文: 奥瑟罗一只慷慨的手。从前的姑娘把手给人,同时把心也一起给了他;现在时世变了,得到一位姑娘的手的,不一定能够得到她的心。 更详细进入...
The actions of a ksatriya born of his own nature are heroism, exuberance, determination, resourcefulness, without trace of cowardice in battle, generosity and leadership.
中文: 由与生俱来的自然本能所决定的克萨瑞雅们的行为活动是英勇,强壮,果断,足智多谋,在战场上毫不胆怯,慷慨豪爽,俱领导才能。 更详细进入...
And all of Iverson's teammates seem to agree with such sentiment.
中文: 艾弗森的这种高昂的激情显然被所有的掘金球员感知和认同。 更详细进入...
She is a true Buddhist, and practiced Buddhism in her everyday life. By generosity and loving-kindness, she only thought about others , she wished and tried to bring happiness without discrimination.
中文: 梅姐是个真正的佛教徒,她把佛教教义实浅在每日的生活中.她的慷慨,慈善,爱心,领她希望,及忘我的尽力把欢乐带给普罗大众. 更详细进入...
The features can be proved from four perspectives: firstly the beauty lying in passion and generosity in the ideal practice in life; secondly the uniqueness and bleak scene of the deserted land in frontier fortress; thirdly the beauty lying in the calmnes
中文: 从四个层面分析了崇高特征:在人生理想实现中的投笔从戎的慷慨、激越美;在边塞生活中雪原大漠的奇特、萧瑟美;在建功事业中的穿越异域的从容、悲壮美;在现实悲怆中思乡恋土的人性、豪迈美。 更详细进入...
And I am sure, as many as have good beards, or good faces, or sweet breaths will for my kind offer, when I make curtsy, bid me farewell (Epi. 16-21).
中文: 为了我这种慷慨的奉献,我相信凡是生得一副好胡子、长得一张好脸蛋或是有一口好气息的诸君,当我屈膝致敬的时候,都会向我道别。 更详细进入...
Number five: With Richard Palladino of Iona College, I say, “be the librarian you would have wanted to encounter as a patron: approachable, attentive, facilitative, generous.
中文: 要设身处地从读者的角度来考虑问题,努力象当你作为读者时所希望遇见的图书馆员那样:平易近人、专心致志、乐于助人、慷慨大方。 更详细进入...
It was something to see,Thompson said. There was no organized solicitation effort. People and community groups just read or heard about the program and stepped up to the plate.
中文: 汤普森说:“这种情形的确不同寻常,我们并没有进行什么有组织的募捐活动。人们和社区组织只是了解到有这一行动计划后便自发地慷慨解囊。” 更详细进入...
After both events, the public's generosity was enormous. Winfrey and freeman both used their star power to focus attention on those who were suffering.
中文: 通过这两场筹款义演后,社会大众热烈慷慨解囊筹得巨款。温佛里和佛里曼两人利用他们的明星效应把公众的目光吸引到受灾的人群和场面。 更详细进入...
Famous among job seekers for its largesse,the company, quite apart from generous salaries, bestowed on its executives annual bonuses and such perquisites as low-interest home mortgages and company cars.
中文: 因为它的慷慨而在求职者中闻名,这个公司除了丰厚的薪水之外,它还给予管理人员年终奖以及如低息房屋贷款和公司车辆等额外津贴。 更详细进入...