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In July 2005 the Trust approved a grant of $96.36 m. for converting the Nam Long Hospital into a nursing home and covering its operational deficits for the first two years.

In July 1994, the Comet Shoemaker -Levy collided with Jupiter. 1994年7月,慧星“皮鞋匠”——利维撞击了木星。
In July 1998, they began their trip in Alaska. 1998年7月,他们在阿拉斯加开始了他们的旅程。
In July 2001 the provincial government held Indian Melia japonica industry conferences, I Yunnan Indian companies are listed as one of the Melia japonica industry leading enterprises. 在2001年7月省政府召开的印楝产业发展专题会议上,我公司被列为云南省印楝产业龙头企业之一。
In July 2004 when I learned that he would pay his third visit to China in early October, I made up my mind that this time we must go all out to have the interview done. 2004年7月当我得知他将于10月初第三次访问中国时,我就下定决心要全力以赴促成这次采访。
In July 2004, Outdo officially became the exclusive sports glasses of China Orienteering Team and were used in International Orienteering Contest Sweden 2004. 2004年7月,高特正式成为中国国家定向队唯一专用运动眼镜,出征2004瑞典国际定向越野赛。
In July 2005 the Trust approved a grant of $96.36 m. for converting the Nam Long Hospital into a nursing home and covering its operational deficits for the first two years. 2005年7月,香港赛马会慈善信托基金慷慨捐赠9,636万元,用以改建南朗医院的建筑费用及支付该院首两年的运作赤字。
In July 2006 DPCA Directorate decided to build her second manufactory and introduce No. 3 Platform of PSA for making top grade cars, and in addition, further defined her product program in coming 5~10 years. 2006年7月,神龙公司董事会决定:建设第二工厂,导入PSA生产高档轿车的3号平台,同时进一步明确了神龙公司未来5-10年的产品规划。
In July 2006, the Air Force Research Laboratory announced a plan to have Boeing demonstrate the bomb's ability to destroy hard and deeply buried targets before August 2007 and to use the data to inform a decision on whether to launch an acquisition progra 在2006年7月,美空军研发实验室发布了到2007年8月前完成测试波音该炸弹的实验版,以考核该武器的摧毁地下坚硬目标的能力,并且运用实验数据决定在2008年的国防预算中采购计划。
In July 8 th ,2004, Tianjin Science and Technology Study center finished Country Latest Technology testing report for the SYBW series asepsis packing machine. 2004年7月8日,天津市科学技术信息研究所完成SYBW系列无菌包装机的国内科技查新报告。
In July Mr Castro was operated on for “intestinal bleeding”. 在七月的时候卡斯特罗曾经因为胃肠出现而做手术。
In July his pen pal, Mark, will visit him for three weeks. 在七月,他的笔友,马克要拜访他三个星期。

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