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    Those who work with combed flax will despair, the weavers of fine linen will lose hope.

    中文: 9用梳好的麻造物的,和织白布的,都必羞愧。 更详细进入...
    We stand awed and ashamed in the light of His extravagant provision for our needs.

    中文: 面对他如此丰盛的提供,我们又敬畏又惭愧。 更详细进入...
    Because for Your sake I have borne reproach; Dishonor has covered my face.

    中文: 诗69:7因我为你的缘故受了辱骂、满面羞愧。 更详细进入...
    Moreover they that work in fine flax, and they that weave networks, shall be confounded.

    中文: 9用梳好的麻造物的,和织白布的,都必羞愧。 更详细进入...
    They were confounded because they had hoped; they came thither, and were ashamed.

    中文: 20他们因失了盼望就抱愧,来到那里便蒙羞。 更详细进入...
    May those who say to me, Aha! Aha!be appalled at their own shame.

    中文: 15愿那些对我说阿哈、阿哈的,因羞愧而败亡! 更详细进入...
    And he did so not aloofly or disdainfully - as do many modern stars - but with an infectious joy that caused even the teams over which he triumphed to share in his pleasure, for it is no disgrace to be defeated by a phenomenon defying emulation.

    中文: 他并不冷漠或是骄傲─很多球星是这样的─他的热情感染了球队,他们可以一起分享胜利的喜悦,并不会因为少数几次的输球所受到的轻蔑而感到羞愧。 更详细进入...
    Then you will remember your ways and be ashamed when you receive your sisters, both your older and your younger; and I will give them to you as daughters, but not because of your covenant.

    中文: 结16:61你接待你姐姐和你妹妹的时候、你要追念你所行的、自觉惭愧.并且我要将他们赐你为女儿、却不是按著前约。 更详细进入...
    Let those be turned back because of their shame Who say, Aha, aha!

    中文: 诗70:3愿那些对我说、阿哈、阿哈的、因羞愧退后。 更详细进入...
    An: That was nothing compared to this humiliation. Nothing.

    中文: 安:没有什么比我这次更令人羞愧的了。没有了。 更详细进入...
    And he settled his countenance stedfastly, until he was ashamed: and the man of God wept.

    中文: 11神人定睛看着哈薛,甚至他惭愧。神人就哭了。 更详细进入...
    She proved herself a worthy successor to the former champion.

    中文: 她证明了自己是前冠军的当之无愧的接替人。 更详细进入...
    She blushed for shame when she remembered how she had treated them.

    中文: 她一想起当初是如何对待他们的,便羞愧得脸红。 更详细进入...
    So I want to thank the Academy for this incredible honor.

    中文: 所以,我要感谢学会给予我这份受之有愧的荣誉。 更详细进入...
    The human handles the matter how could entirely as desired, but asked to have no qualms in the heart may.

    中文: 人做事情岂能尽如人意,但求无愧于心就可以了。 更详细进入...
    [NIV] May those who say to me, 'Aha! Aha!' turn back because of their shame.

    中文: 3[和合]愿那些对我说:“4啊哈、啊哈”的,因羞愧退后。 更详细进入...
    Capt. Said: Yes... bad shit happened... I'm not proud of that. Yes Saddam is very crazy, but then you are crazy for coming here.

    中文: 萨伊德队长:没错...是令人发指...我感到惭愧。对,沙达姆?海珊的确疯狂,但是话说回来,你们跑到【中东】这里来不也一样疯狂吗? 更详细进入...
    Ashamed was he to admit that he had attacked at her physically and verbally.

    中文: 他惭愧地承认曾经对她进行过言语和人身攻击. 更详细进入...
    Let them be desolate for a reward of their shame that say unto me, Aha, aha.

    中文: 诗40:15愿那些对我说、阿哈、阿哈的、因羞愧而败亡。 更详细进入...
    Let those be appalled because of their shame Who say to me, Aha, aha!

    中文: 诗40:15愿那些对我说、阿哈、阿哈的、因羞愧而败亡。 更详细进入...

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