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The human handles the matter how could entirely as desired, but asked to have no qualms in the heart may.

The human form was not originally designed to manifest unconsciously. 人类形态最初没有被设计来显化无意识。
The human general development theory is Marxist important thought. 摘要人的全面发展理论是马克思主义重要的思想。
The human genome contains many loci where short base sequences are repeated in tandem, with great variation between individuals in the number of such repeats. 由于人类基因组包含有许多串联重复的短序列基因,它们具有很大的个体差异。
The human genome is a map of our genetic structure. 人类基因组是我们遗传结构的图谱。
The human genome was officially completed in 2003 (ScienceNOW, 14 April 2003), and since then scientists have sequenced everything from the mouse to the chimpanzee to, most recently, the honeybee and sea urchin (ScienceNOW, 25 October). 人类基因组计划于2003年完成(2003年4月14日现代科学杂志),自从科学家们将小鼠到猩猩的序列测定出来以后,最近,将测定蜜蜂和海胆的序列(10月25日现代科学杂志)。
The human handles the matter how could entirely as desired, but asked to have no qualms in the heart may. 人做事情岂能尽如人意,但求无愧于心就可以了。
The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet. 人类心脏会产生极大的压力,把血泵出体外时,血柱高度可达30英尺。
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), is thought to have crossed from chimpanzees to humans in the late 1940s or early 1950s in Congo. 免疫缺陷)病毒会引起后天免疫的缺乏的综合病症(AIDS艾滋病),此被认为是在20世纪40-50年代在刚果黑猩猩传给人类的病毒。
The human impact on the earth's environment and climate must be addressed in order to protect the world's water resources. 如果要保护世界的水资源,就必须解决人类对地球环境和气候的影响。
The human life feels : even treat with ground an each affair, treat kindly everything should person who treat kindly! 人生感悟:平和地对待每一件事情,善待一切该善待的人!
The human mind is as devious as the many progressive devices it produces. 人心和它所制造出来的许多进步装置一样诡诈。

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