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    Related elucidation:in the above data, from the entry-level pure water to pure water, it measures to 75% for.Namely each 1.25 rise the entry-level pure water can produce pure water 1 rise, the running water system is pure aqueous of parameter is also such

    中文: 相关说明:以上数据中,从初级纯水到纯水,其为出量为75%.即每1.25升初级纯水可以产纯水1升,自来水制纯水的参数也是如此,由以上数据可以看出,在制取线路板生产所必须的纯水的过程中,采用收集废水的方式,使废水得到中水回用,同时减少废水排放,在此过程中,不但大量减少了废水排放量,并且单就制水成本而言,用废水每生产一立方纯水,可至少降低成本0.34元,更重要的是可以大大降低废水的排放量. 更详细进入...
    The reporter, whose business is to present relevant facts in an acceptable form, could and should steer a middle course.

    中文: 记者的职业是提供可以接受的有关事实,因此,他能够也应该采取不偏激的方针。 更详细进入...
    My father was a cripple, my mother in poor health.

    中文: 我父亲是个残废人,我母亲身体又不好。 更详细进入...
    When these contradictions are analyzed from the perspective of people, it is discovered that differences in shareholders' preferences, preferences for power selfish departmentalism, and preferences in employees' needs plant hidden perils in the current eq

    中文: 如从“人”这个角度出发分析这些矛盾,可以发现以下一些个人“偏好”差异给家族企业现有的股权结构埋下深刻的隐患:股东偏好差异、“权力本位主义”偏好、职员需要偏好的差异。 更详细进入...
    It is not uncommon for Migraineurs to be awakened by the pain.

    中文: 偏头痛患者在睡眠中疼醒是不常见的。 更详细进入...
    They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

    中文: 4并且掩耳不听真道,偏向荒渺的言语。 更详细进入...
    You can live in the wreckage and pretend it's still the mansion you remember.

    中文: 你可以站在废墟前,假装这仍是你记忆中的大厦. 更详细进入...
    In addition, it also may use for to absorb thedesign and the actual installment deviation.

    中文: 此外,它还可以用来吸收设计与实际安装的偏差。 更详细进入...
    New technologies such as hydrogenation are emphasized as efficient approaches to upgrading feedstock and tackling environmental pollution.

    中文: 认为应提高原料和产品的脱硫能力,防止废水、废气和废渣污染。 更详细进入...
    For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

    中文: 18我实在告诉你们,就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。 更详细进入...
    Unless there is an automatic system for processing condemned carcasses and viscera, waterproof containers which can store condemned carcass and viscera shall be installed in the inspection station,, and shall have mark of word “CONDEMNED”.

    中文: 除使用自动化系统处理废弃之屠体、内脏者外,应于检查站内设置明显标示「废弃」字样之不漏水废弃屠体及内脏存放设备。 更详细进入...
    Not only does this kind of treatment of medical waste affect the health environment, it is also disrespectful to the dead.

    中文: 这样处理医学废料不只影响卫生,还是不尊重死者。 更详细进入...
    15 All waste materials, excluding river and pond sediment, shall be segregated into categories covering: excavated material or construction waste suitable for reuse on-site, reclamation or fill, construction waste for disposal at public dump or landfill,

    中文: 除河流及塘底的沉积物之外,所有废物应予分类,可包括:适合原地再用、用作填海或填料的挖掘物料或建筑废料;弃置于公众倾卸场或堆填区的建筑废料;化学废物;以及一般垃圾。 更详细进入...
    1865 Slavery was abolished throughout the United States of America, ratified by the 13th Amendment.

    中文: 经美国宪法第十三条修正案认可,全国废除奴隶制。 更详细进入...
    Second, since input bias currents are not always small and can exhibit different polarities, source impedance levels should be carefully matched to minimize additional input bias current-induced offset voltages and increased distortion.

    中文: 其次,因为输入偏置电流不一定都小,且可能体现不同的极性,而且源阻抗水平应该仔细地进行匹配,以将输入偏置电流引起额外失调电压和增加的畸变减到最小。 更详细进入...
    You don't like to take risks, and Sagittarians thrive on chance. This is not your best bet for a lasting union but it is one that often attracts you.

    中文: 巨蟹-射手:你不喜欢冒险,偏偏这是射手座最钟意的。不敢保证这对搭档能维持很久,不过射手座的人往往很吸引你。 更详细进入...
    We lessen the effluent for exhaust gas and waste materials, protect our environment.

    中文: 我们减少废气和废料的排放,保护环境。 更详细进入...
    It fuzes on impact with a shaped charge capable of destroying or disabling armored vehicles.

    中文: 其撞击引信引爆装料可以摧毁或报废敌装甲车辆。 更详细进入...
    We go into the woods and, rather than take the pains to haul out the non biodegradable stuff that we haul in, we hide it.

    中文: 人类闯入森林,不是将那些不可分解与还原的废物费力运出,而是不遗余力地将之拉入,并将它们掩藏起来。 更详细进入...
    In any case, parents should be impartial to their every child.

    中文: 无论如何,父母亲应该对他们的每个孩子不偏不倚。 更详细进入...

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