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New technologies such as hydrogenation are emphasized as efficient approaches to upgrading feedstock and tackling environmental pollution.

New teachers should start from the first thingin classroom and office to learn, explore and innovate. 因此新教师应从进教室、进办公室的“第一件事”开始,学习、探索和创新。
New technique and materials are used to treat patient, such as Micro-implant, Esthetic bracket, and Colored “O”ring. 并使用最新技术与材料,如(1)矫正用微植体,增加成人矫正效果,(2)透明矫正器,减少传统矫正器不美观的困扰,(3)彩色橡皮环,活泼时尚。
New techniques make it possible to recover usable things from waste. 藉新技术即能从废弃物中回收可用之物。
New technologies and management approaches have added to he challenges facing human resource managers. 新的技术和管理方法也成为人力资源经理面临的挑战。
New technologies make possible new approaches to learning, new contexts for learning, new tools to support learning, and new ideas of what can be learned. 新科技开拓了新的学习途径,带来了新的学习内容和新的学习工具,以及在我们能学点什么这个问题上提出了新观点。
New technologies such as hydrogenation are emphasized as efficient approaches to upgrading feedstock and tackling environmental pollution. 认为应提高原料和产品的脱硫能力,防止废水、废气和废渣污染。
New technologies were a necessary condition for the green revolution, but not a sufficient one. 而新技术只是绿色革命的必要非充分条件。
New technologies, new ideals, new gods, perhaps new barbarians, will challenge the final triumph of the bourgeoisie. 新的技术,新的理想,新的偶像,或许还有新的异己,都将是对中产阶级取得最后胜利的挑战。
New telecommunication covers more areas, has longer industrial chains, and operates quite differently. 新通信覆盖的业务领域大大拓展、产业链的长度大大增长、运作方式也有不小的改变。
New telescopes and techniques have found other exoplanets directly, by sensing a slight fading in the luminosity of the star as the planet crosses its face. 新型天文望远镜和技术帮助人类用直接的手段发现了其他的外星行星,方法就是通过测量行星穿过恒星表面时恒星亮度的细微变暗的程度。
New thing,we finally have refined articles to cheat foreigners!!! 新东西,看来我们终于有精品出国骗鬼子了啊!!!

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