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The reporter, whose business is to present relevant facts in an acceptable form, could and should steer a middle course.

The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot. 这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋而被杀害。
The reporter was sent on a wild goose chase , for the monster he was to investigate had never really existed. 记者被派了去作徒劳无益的调查,因为他要查寻的怪物根本不存在。
The reporter was sent on a wild goose chase, for the man he was to interview had never really existed. 这名记者被派出去无意义的乱跑,因为他要访问的人根本不存在。
The reporter was sent on a wild goose chase, for the monster he was to investigate had never really existed. 记者被派了去作徒劳无益的调查,因为他要查寻的怪物根本不存在。
The reporter went on a fishing expedition about the president's involvement in the Iraq War. (记者搜罗有关总统卷入伊拉克战争的新闻资料。)
The reporter, whose business is to present relevant facts in an acceptable form, could and should steer a middle course. 记者的职业是提供可以接受的有关事实,因此,他能够也应该采取不偏激的方针。
The reporters also noted Bushs relaxed posture, crossing his legs “Texan style” while facing the pope in the private study of the apostolic palace . 记者们还注意到布什总统的姿势很是休闲,他与教皇面对面单独探讨使徒宫的问题时,竟然以一种“得克萨斯的风格”翘着“二郎腿”。
The reporters are rushing to the scene. 记者们正赶往现场。
The reporters got wind of Diana's visit to the city and rushed to the airport for the news. 记者们获悉戴安娜(Diana)要来本市访问的消息,迅速赶到机场去获取新闻。
The reporters kept following her and asking personal questions. Finally she turned around and laid them out. 记者们一直紧跟着她,不停地问些个人问题。最后她转身把他们骂了顿。
The reporters scrambled for the phones. 记者们争抢电话。

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