The Parents' Day of Chiu Lut Sau Memorial Secondary School fell on 3rd February 2007 (Saturday).
中文: 本校已于二零零七年二月三日(星期六)举行家长日。 更详细进入...
Three years later, it appeared in Western Europe and spread quickly.
中文: 三年以后该病现于西欧,很快扩散。 更详细进入...
Both Eisenhower and Churchill were mature men when they turned to painting for relaxation.
中文: 艾森豪维尔和邱吉尔转向绘画寻求乐队趣时都已是成年人。 更详细进入...
In relation to horse no. 1 “Sunday” in Race 10 for the racemeeting of Saturday, 21 July 2007, Jockey F Durso who had been engaged to ride the gelding was inadvertently recorded on the declaration card as Jockey J Didham, under these special circumstances,
中文: 有关二○○七年七月二十一日(星期六)第十场一号马「中美之光」,策骑该驹之骑师杜西奥被错误记录为骑师杜顿,因此小组批准由骑师杜西奥策骑「中美之光」出赛。 更详细进入...
Results: Six patients have had improvement in brow position and rejuvenation of the upper third of the face after endobrow lift surgery form 1999 July to 2001 April.
中文: 结果:民国八十八年七月至九十年四月,共六位病人接受内视镜上额拉皮。 更详细进入...
In 2004, only one third of British graduates secured employment that was befitting their qualifications.
中文: 2004年,仅有三分之一的英国毕业生找到了专业对口的工作。 更详细进入...
America now has some 40,000 screens—a third more than a decade ago.
中文: 美国时下拥有大约40,000个荧幕——比上个十年多出了三分之一。 更详细进入...
The bull markets have averaged about 19 years or so whenever supply and demand have gotten out of balance.
中文: 牛市平均时间是19年左右,每每发生在供应和需求失衡之后。 更详细进入...
Pettitte worked 7 1/3 innings, allowing two runs and nine hits.
中文: 小派投了七又三分之一局,被敲出九支安打掉了两分。 更详细进入...
It is estimated that the number coming to China to learn the language has maintained an average annual growth rate of 35 percent over the past few years.
中文: 据估计,在过去的几年里,前来学习汉语的人数一直保持百分之三十五的年增长率。 更详细进入...
The risk factors include age of over 56 years, size of RPED over 1 DD and involvement of fovea.
中文: 新生血管发生之危险因子包括年龄大小,剥离病灶範围大小,及中心窝之有无侵及。 更详细进入...
Article 33 In any of the circumstances as provided in Article 17 of the Foreign Trade Law, the goods concerned shall be prohibited from exportation.
中文: 第三十三条有对外贸易法第十七条规定情形之一的货物,禁止出口。 更详细进入...
Information about a lawsuit or an unpaid judgment against you can be reported for seven years or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer.
中文: 关于诉讼判决对未缴或者你可以报七年或之前追诉时效届满后,更长为准. 更详细进入...
By contrast, World No. 2 and 2005 Golden Bagel Award winner, Rafael Nadal only delivered 2 bagels in 2006 down from his 12 bagels the previous year.
中文: 对比之下,05年获金面圈奖的二号种子纳达尔今年只送出2个面圈,而去年达12个之多。 更详细进入...
The opening and closing time of Europe futures market will be 1 hour ahead (Hong Kong Time) due to Europe Summer Time Schedule commences on 25th March 2007.
中文: 由二零零七年三月二十五日起欧洲将实行夏令时间,欧洲期货市场之开市及收市时间将提早一小时﹙香港时间﹚。 更详细进入...
To establish the pattern and potential of would infection in gunshot injuries with retained bullets, a retrospective survey was undertaken at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Kaohsiung.
中文: 摘要本文对于从民国八十三年一月至九十一年六月期间在高雄长庚纪念医院共二十六个病人之三十一个不同残留子弹之枪伤伤口进行回溯性分析,来找出并发伤口感染的危险因子。 更详细进入...
The incidence of melanoma has risen an alarming 3 percent a year since 1981, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
中文: 据疾病控制和预防中心统计数据,黑素瘤的发生率自1981年以来以惊人的百分之三的速率增长。 更详细进入...
Before the Fed's statement, a cut by the end of the year had been fully priced into financial markets, with another expected by March.
中文: 在美联储的声明之前,金融市场已经预期将在年底之前降息,就像三月份的那次一样。 更详细进入...
The results indicated that there were significant differences in scores of Geriatric Depression Scale between different groups of having chronic illness or not and between different groups of institutionalized reasons.
中文: 研究结果显示老年忧郁量表之得分会因是否罹患慢性病及住进机构之主要原因之不同而有显著差异。 更详细进入...
Let alone one year, there is the case where a disciple of mine, spending ten months... nine months... eight months... seven... six... five... four... three... two months... one month... half a month practicing as I have instructed, would live sensitive to
中文: “且不说一年,有这样的情形,我的一位弟子,遵照我的教导修习十个月……九个月……八……七……六……五……四……三……两月……一月……半月,能够接连一百年、一百个世纪、一百个千年,住于不息的喜乐之中。 更详细进入...