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    Anticipating pleasure is also a pleasure.

    中文: 预期快乐本身也是一种快乐。 更详细进入...
    “Joy Baishen” detergent produced by our company has the characteristics of concentrated prescription, strong decontamination, safety and sanitation, mild kind and not hurting hands.

    中文: 企业生产的“乐乐百神”牌洗洁精:浓缩配方,洁污特强;安全卫生;性质温和、不伤手。 更详细进入...
    Students from Conservative Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School presented their community design for Kai Yip Estate.

    中文: 浸信宣道会吕明才小学上午校的同学介绍他们的设计–安居乐业在启业。 更详细进入...
    Be happy and at peace.

    中文: 要快乐和平安。 更详细进入...
    I listen to music on my walkman.

    中文: 我用“随身听”听音乐。 更详细进入...
    I was happy to arrange it.

    中文: 我乐意为你安排。 更详细进入...
    The orchestra has several concert engagements.

    中文: 这管弦乐队已安排好几场音乐会. 更详细进入...
    It's the warm-up, the entertainment, the diversion from business-as-usual.

    中文: 历险是种暖身活动、一种娱乐,能将注意力从一般商业活动上移开。 更详细进入...
    Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will dwell securely.

    中文: 诗16:9因此我的心欢喜、我的灵〔原文作荣耀〕快乐.我的肉身也要安然居住。 更详细进入...
    The Taiyuan star workshop music entertainment limited company, is collection light \ acoustic \ music performance project consultation \ plans the \ design, performs the equipment sale on commission \ to install \ to debug \ to rent and music educates the

    中文: 太原市星工场音乐娱乐有限公司,是一个集灯光\音响\音乐演出工程的咨询\策划\设计,演出设备的经销\安装\调试\租赁及音乐教育\专业技术培训\音乐制作\音乐演出服务于一体的多功能\全方位的综合性音乐娱乐服务企业. 更详细进入...
    Constitutional research on euthanasia aims at providing the state's position on euthanasia.

    中文: 摘要安乐死的宪法学思考目的在于提供安乐死的国家立场。 更详细进入...
    The singer, 25, who has been XXXXXX the social rounds in New York City this month, arrived with a group of girlfriends at the downtown hot spot ONE on Sunday night wearing a micro-mini red dress.

    中文: 周日晚上,布兰妮身穿一身超级迷你的红裙,和一群女友到纽约商业区热门娱乐场所ONE消遣。 更详细进入...
    In order to raise my management knowledge, I made use of my spare time and finished ecnomic management major in Anhui Party School.

    中文: 为了提高自身管理知识,利用业余时间完成安徵省党校在职经营管理专业的学习。 更详细进入...
    As a classically trained musician, does Wang ever feel stifled having to make commercial pop music that basically cashes in on his good looks and dance moves, rather than his musical prowess?

    中文: 作为一位受古典训练出身的音乐人,力宏是否曾经挣扎过必须创作很商业的流行音乐,那些基本上靠着脸蛋和舞蹈赚钱的歌曲,而非他本身高超的音乐内涵? 更详细进入...
    Its business scope includes: Leisure consultancy and feasibility studies; Master planning and Design of Leisure Destinations; Construction, Operational Set Up and On Going Operational Management Services of Leisure Destinations; Amusement Ride and Equipme

    中文: 业务范围主要有:游乐业咨询和可行性研究;整体规划和游乐项目设计;游乐项目建设;运营系统的建立与开业后的营业管理;提供游乐设备和设施;游乐设备安装;引进投资与游乐设备租赁管理;主题造景制作与施工;故事线创作;吉祥物、乐园标识,主题商品的设计与产品供应。 更详细进入...
    But if we legalize euthanasia, there will be a danger someone may use it for killing. All in all, euthanasia is question we can't dodge.

    中文: 但是,如果安乐死合法化,也存在一种危险------有人会利用安乐死进行谋杀.总之,安乐死是一个不能回避的问题. 更详细进入...
    Rose: Im happy as a 3) single woman.

    中文: 柔丝:我乐于做单身女郎。 更详细进入...
    Good morning boss, Happy Birthday.

    中文: 早安阿~~老板,生日快乐。 更详细进入...
    Prince Ippolit brought her reticule, moved to her side, and bending close over her chair, sat beside her.

    中文: 伊波利特公爵把女用小提包交给她,跟在她身后走过来,又把安乐椅移到靠近她的地方,便在她身旁坐下来。 更详细进入...
    Pray for Pastor Chua as he leads the committee that he will have good health and be able to walk closely with our Lord.

    中文: 求主赐蔡耀杉传道智慧与力量带领年会各筹委会,并赐他身体健康、喜乐与平安。 更详细进入...

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