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I listen to music on my walkman.

I limped towards the classroom where run into Tom. 3我一瘸一拐地走向教室,在那儿碰到了汤姆。
I list this development under the sub-title “Spiritual Decline“ because I think the Calvinist understanding does more justice to the Scriptures and gives greater glory to God. 我将荷兰新教神学在美洲的发展列入「属灵的衰退」标题之下,是因为我认为加尔文教派对圣经的理解比较恰当,也将较多的荣耀归给神。
I listen to Bach Cello Suites and wonder if there are some good transcriptions for clarinet, and wonder how long it would take to be able to make satisfying music on a clarinet again and play this kind of music beautifully. 我听了巴赫的组曲,正在找有没有适合单簧管演奏的乐章,并希望知道大概要过多久才能在单簧管上演奏能够让人接受的音符,并成功地演奏这类音乐。
I listen to all different types. 所有不同的音乐我都听。
I listen to all types of music, but before a game I like to listen to a mixture of Rap, Alternative, and Reggae. 我听音乐的所有类型,但是在一场比赛之前我比较喜欢听打击乐。
I listen to music on my walkman. 我用“随身听”听音乐。
I listen to my favourite music CDs in English. 我听自己最喜欢的英语版的音乐CD。
I listen to the radio everyday. 我每天听收音机。
I listened and reviewed all of Yanzi's albums yesterday, that took me a whole day. (我昨天聆听回顾了燕姿所有的专辑,那花了我整整一天的时间。)
I listened anxiously to all the lessons and waited for lunch break at one. Then finally the bell rang. It was time to talk and have fun. 我焦虑不安地听完了所有的课,等待着1点钟的午餐时间到来。铃声终于响了,该是聊天和开心玩耍的时候了。
I listened this song for the first time was in Stan. 我第一次听到这首歌是在《斯坦》里面。

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