英文: Economic recession in the 70s: In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained the lowest growth rate and the highest inflation rate, and the high record of trade deficits.
中文: 70年代经济滞胀。在70年代,英国在所有的发达资本主义国家中,始终保持最低经济增长率,最高的通货膨胀率,和最高的贸易赤字纪录。
英文: In spite of the worldwide economic recession in recent years, there has been a steady growth in our economic cooperation and trade volume.
中文: 希望市长阁下在其方便的时候尽早访问我市,以便使我们能有机会来回报我们在这里受到的热情款待。
英文: The APEC meeting in this year will focus mainly on two aspects: one is on strengthening the cooperation among all APEC members to cope with the possible economic recession with rebuilt-up confidence; the other is on promoting the liberalization of trade a
中文: 今年的亚太经济贸易合作组织会议将主要侧重两个方面:一是加强亚太经合组织成员之间的合作,共同应对可能出现的经济衰退,重树信心;二是继续推进亚太经合组织贸易投资自由化进程,推动世界贸易组织尽早开始新一轮谈判。
英文: This year's APEC will be concentrate on 2 key missions: On one hand is to strengthen the cooperation with the members in APEC by dealing with the possible economic recession to build up the confidence; On the other hand is to advance the processes of APEC
中文: 今年的亚太经济贸易合作会议将主要侧重两个方面:一是加强亚太经合组织成员之间的合作,共同应对可能出现的经济衰退,重树信心;二是继续推进亚太经合组织贸易投资自由化进程,推动世界贸易组织尽早开始新一轮谈判。