英文: We're going to be more tidy here,his wife said. It isn't nice to have a house so dirty and untidy when our daughter is so clean.
中文: 我们这里要比以前整洁,他的妻子说,当我们的女儿这样干净的时候,让我们的房子这样脏乱是不好的。
英文: 0 Poor condition. Dirty and untidy workshop under poor management and monitoring.
中文: 条件欠佳.由于管理和监督不足情况下,车间又脏又乱.
英文: And untidy housekeepers don't necessarily become adepts of order and cleanliness just because they now have the title to their digs.
中文: 一个邋遢的管家人并不会因为成为了房子的主人就必然成为井井有条讲求卫生的行家。
英文: By the time he was ten years old, Harry had grown into a skinny, knobbly-kneed boy with untidy black hair and a narrow face.
中文: 到他十岁的这年,哈利长成了一个瘦瘦的,有着突膝盖、一头乱发和瘦脸庞的男孩。
英文: Efficay: contain apeak sculpt formula, it can smooth the untidy hair after wake up, and make your hair apeak to the end of hair, help your hair refreshing but not oily, if you want to creat ideal straight hair, do up your hair with comb then dry hair with
中文: 功效:含有垂坠造型配方,能迅速顺直睡醒后蓬松乱翘的头发,从而使你的秀发垂坠直至发梢,助您的秀发清爽不粘腻;如果要营造理想的直发效果,用梳子梳直并用电吹风吹干,如果要头发更顺滑,用梳子梳理后自然风干。