英文: All nations will serve him and his son and his grandson until the time for his land comes; then many nations and great kings will subjugate him.
中文: 7列国都必服事他和他的儿孙、直到他本国遭报的日期来到.那时多国和大君王、要使他作他们的奴仆。
英文: Atlanteans used their flying machines, Vailixi,a similar type of aircraft, to literally try and subjugate the world, it would seem, if Indian texts are to be believed.
中文: 亚特兰蒂斯人使用他们的飞行机器,“维利斯”,一种相似类型的航行器,按字面意思是尝试和征服世界,如果印度经典是可靠的话,这看起来便是这样了。
英文: Just as the Manchu court had found strong men (11) in the landed gentry of Central China to crush the Taiping Rebellion, the foreign powers and their agents, the compradors, now found a strong man in Chiang Kai-shek to subjugate the Chinese.
中文: 正像当年清廷从华中的豪绅中间找到了镇压太平天国起义的干将一样,列强及其代理人中国买办这时找到了蒋介石这员镇压中国人民的干将。