英文: Advanced study programs Advanced study programs offer specialized advanced study options for students with prior postsecondary education and experience.
中文: 研究院课程研究院课程主要为曾修读大学课程或有相当实际工作经验的人士而设。
英文: After obtaining her master's in Secondary Education of Students who are deaf or hard of hearing, Jun-Hui enrolled at Gallaudet, where she is a Ph.D student in Deaf Education.
中文: 来自纽约州罗切斯特市的裴伟亮认为杨军辉亲眼看看美国的聋人教师将获益非浅;因此,1998年她到美国罗切斯特理工大学攻读硕士学位。
英文: City Technology Colleges (CTCs) aim to give boys and girls a broad secondary education with a strong technological and business slant.
中文: 城市技术学院旨在为有技术和商业潜质的男孩女孩们提供广阔的中级技术教育。
英文: High school and post secondary education in the trade field of carpentry with emphasis on math and organizational skills, Health and safety training is a definite asset.
中文: 高中学历和高中毕业后木工行业的学习,最好受过健康和安全教育培训。
英文: Huijia-CACB GAC International College provides a coeducational boarding school based secondary education for Year 9 to Year 12 students.
中文: 汇佳澳华GAC国际高中是一所提供初三至高三课程的寄宿制国际高中。