英文: Although technically her first public performance was at the age of 4 (when she sang What Child is Thisat her local church), her professional career began at the age of 8, when young Britney traveled to Atlanta, Ga., to audition for the Disney Channel's M
中文: 尽管严格地讲,她的第一次公开演出是在她4岁时(她在当地教堂演唱圣婴之歌),但她的职业演唱生涯始于8岁,当时小布里特尼赴佐治亚州的亚特兰大为迪斯尼频道的米老鼠俱乐部节目试镜,终因年龄过小而未被聘用。
英文: Audition time will be notified by mail on or before 22 August.
中文: 本会将于8月22日前以邮寄方式通知个别试音时间。
英文: Audition will be held in August, applicants should prepare 1) Performance of a Musical Piece not more than 5 minutes, 2) Scales and 3) Sight Reading for the audition.
中文: 乐团将于8月份进行试音,试音内容包括1)乐曲演奏(不多于5分钟)、2)音阶及3)视奏测试。
英文: Disc company have listened our audition recording,they want to meet us now.
中文: 唱片公司的人听过我们的试听带,现在想见我们.
英文: Filming for the day would sort of be an audition to see how I would fit in with the show.
中文: 拍摄当天她作为一个观众看看我是否适合这个演出中的角色。