英文: Can you prove that your neighbor stole your lawnmower? If not and you call the cops, he could make real trouble for you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie!
中文: 这句话的意思是:“你有证据证明你的邻居偷了你的割草机吗?要是你没有证据,又去报了警,他可以给你制造好多麻烦的。你还是算了吧!”
英文: Can you prove that your neighbor stole your lawnmower? If not and you call the cops, he could make real troubles for you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie!
中文: “你有证据证明你的邻居偷了你的割草机吗?要是你没有证据,又去报警,他可以给你制造好多麻烦的,你还是算了吧!”
英文: If I were you, I would not tell Nellie you saw her husband having lunch with another woman. It might have been perfectly innocent, so I'd let sleeping dogs lie.
中文: 她说:“要是我是你的话,我就不会去告诉内利你看见她丈夫和另一个女人一起吃午饭的事。也许他们根本就没有什么事,所以你还是别惹麻烦。”
英文: The vet says i need a hobby, I thought eating and sleeping were my hobbies.
中文: 猫科诊所的医生告诉我需要养成一个爱好,我认为天天吃和睡就是我的业余爱好.
英文: 48 Approximate space (in square meters) per employee in sleeping room?
中文: 每工人大概占用多少空间(平方米)?