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Filming for the day would sort of be an audition to see how I would fit in with the show.

Filmed in huge and wonderful sets, in the mountain of Continental China, or in full village built on the side of hills, Seven Swords daze by its esthetic power. 电影背景雄伟宏大,要么发生在中国青藏高原的巨型山川上,要么发生在修建在山麓的村庄里,在这里七剑的美学力量焕发出绚丽的光彩。
Filmed in the streets of Amsterdam for three months, It results in a lyrical impression of a rain shower in the city. 这部电影拍摄于阿姆斯特丹街头,历时三个月,为人们带来了一幅诗意的城市雨景。
Filmed records of Ms Horn's 1970s performances include, for instance, images of a hand probing a vagina-shaped double column of black feathers and of the artist trying to kiss a man with a wodge of similar black feathers attached to her face. 她七十年代的行为艺术作品有些是以短片形式纪录的,像是一只手探进由黑色羽毛做成的女性阴部模样的双柱之间的影像或是表演者试图去亲吻一个拥有附加在她脸上的类似的黑色羽毛团状物的人。
Filming a Western on location in the Mexican desert. 在墨西哥沙漠外景地拍摄一部西部片
Filming a burlesque on the burning of Rome, 1922. (Image courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division [reproduction number, LC-USZ62-119624 (b&w film copy neg.)]. 1922年于大火中的罗马拍摄滑稽歌舞杂剧。(影像由国会图书馆印刷与照片部门提供﹝复制号码:LC-USZ62-119624(黑白电影拷贝底片。)﹞。
Filming for the day would sort of be an audition to see how I would fit in with the show. 拍摄当天她作为一个观众看看我是否适合这个演出中的角色。
Filming of XPGLY was done in Jia Yi farm for more than a month, MD is acting as a rich man's son, YYZ is from a rich family..Because of their status and both families are friends, both were a couple right from the start, but in the end, MD was with the ga 《星》剧在嘉义农场拍摄一个多月,明道饰有钱公子,杨雅筑是千金小姐,因为两家世交,一开始他们是男女朋友,不过后来他与幼时曾救他的女孩张芯瑜在一起,也因此和杨雅筑的对戏机会愈来愈少。
Filming on the fifth Potter movie gets under way in February. 明年二月,第五部哈利波特电影将开机拍摄。
Filming started last weekend and will continue in off-hours for about 14 weeks with the picture expected to open around Thanksgiving. 拍摄工作上周末开始,在非工作时间进行,大约要拍14周。预计该片将在感恩节前后上映。
Films in preparation are 911 NEW YORK; RUSSIAN REQUIEM; GENERAL CHENNAULT; THE CHINESE PEOPLE TELL YOU; and THE CHINESE SECURITY COMPANY IN WALL STREET; SEA WITHOUT BEACON; DIARIES OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE IN AMERICA and THE 56 BEAUTIFUL PLACES—CHINA. 正在筹备的剧目有1.《纽约911》2.《俄罗斯安魂曲》3.《陈纳德将军》4.《中华民族告诉你》5.《华尔街的中国镖局》6.《没有灯塔的海》7.《中国人的美国日记》8.《56个美丽的地方——中国》等。
Films of that sort have lost their appeal for children. 那种电影对孩子们已经没有吸引力了。

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