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Audition time will be notified by mail on or before 22 August.

Auditing and controlling daily expenses of HQ and subsidiaries companies. 审计和控制总部和所有分公司的日常费用。
Auditing is the primary activity of the CPA. 查帐是注册会计师的一项主要活动。
Auditing is the process by which a competent, independent person accumulates and evaluates evidence about quantifiable information related to a specific entity for the purpose of determining and reporting on the degree of correspondence between the quanti 审计是一个由权威、独立的专业人士,收集和评估特定实体的大量信息证据,并根据这些大量信息和已建立的标准之间的吻合程度进行决策和汇报的过程。
Auditing organs of people's governments at all levels should strengthen the supervision through auditing of the use of funds for flood control and disaster relief. 各级人民政府审计机关应当加强对防洪、救灾资金使用情况的审计监督。
Auditing theory, as a kind of systematic theoretical understanding, which is generalized as discipline conclusions from the practice, the purpose of which is to use rational thinking to guide audit practice, and the formation and development of audit are 摘要审计理论作为一种系统化的理性认识,是人们从实践中概括出来的关于本门学科的系统结论,其目的在于用理性思维去引导审计实践,其理论基础则支撑着审计理论的形成和发展,而关于这一问题的研究,学界关注较少,且基本认为审计理论基础是由与之相关联的各个学科统一组成。
Audition time will be notified by mail on or before 22 August. 本会将于8月22日前以邮寄方式通知个别试音时间。
Audition will be held in August, applicants should prepare 1) Performance of a Musical Piece not more than 5 minutes, 2) Scales and 3) Sight Reading for the audition. 乐团将于8月份进行试音,试音内容包括1)乐曲演奏(不多于5分钟)、2)音阶及3)视奏测试。
Auditions start later this month with the show set to go on air in late August. 海选将于本月晚些时候启动,比赛将于下月晚些时候正式播出。
Auditor independence is the essence of occupational ethics., Thoroughly analyzing the logic relationships among transaction cost, property right theory, the contract theory and the auditor independence, this paper puts forward some institutional arrangeme 摘要审计独立性是职业道德的精髓之所在,在新制度经济学的框架下,深入分析了交易成本、产权理论和契约理论与审计独立性的内在逻辑关系,最后提出了旨在提高审计独立性的一些制度安排,包括公司治理、披露管制、事务所组织结构、行业监管法律责任等。
Auditor: A person who examines the information used by managers to prepare the financial statements and assets to the credibility of those statements. 审计:检查企业经理用于编制财务报表的信息以及这些财务报表中的资产的可信性的人员。
Auditors shall not audit their own work. 审核员不应审核自己的工作。

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