英文: A man's violent past comes back to haunt him when an old friend is released from prison with retribution on his mind.
中文: 当某人的老朋友怀着报复之心从监狱出时,某人就提心吊胆,他老想起以前的暴力事件。
英文: A: I really want to enjoy my new relationship, but my past keeps coming back to haunt me. I'm worried that this one won't last, either.
中文: 我真的很想享受我现在的新恋情,但过去的事总是纠缠著我。我担心这一次同样不会持续的。
英文: According to this theory, the unconscious mind carries imprints of the past that mercilessly haunt the present.
中文: 依照这个理论,过去的经历会在无意识中留下挥之不去的痕迹。
英文: Advertising your haunt as Hauntedwill be a double-edged sword because some people will never step a foot inside such a place.
中文: 以「闹鬼」宣传你的店可不是保证成功的手法,有些人听到搞不好打死也不敢进去。
英文: Although I never answered any of these questions, they continued to challenge me, to haunt me, to drive me in my scientific research, to cause me to live on tuna fish and no sleep for days at a time while I was obsessed with a science problem.
中文: 尽管我从没能回答这些问题中的任何一个,可它们仍不断地激励着我、萦绕着我、驱使着我继续从事科学研究,让我在着迷于某个科学难题时以金枪鱼罐头为食,连日不眠不休。