英文: Among them, there are listed companies and large-scale multinational corporations such as Dupont, ICI and Sinopec.
中文: 其中不乏有杜邦集团、ICI集团、中石化这样大型的跨国公司和上市公司。
英文: At present nearly 400 multinational corporations out of world's top 500 have investment in China, among them are Motorola, Siemens, Bell, Lucent, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Itochu, Walmart, Philips, Boeing, Nestle, HP, Unilever, GE, Shell, Nokia, Ericss
中文: 摩托罗拉、西门子、贝尔、朗讯、三菱重工、伊藤忠商社、沃尔马特、飞利浦、波音、雀巢、惠普、联合利华、通用电气、荷兰皇家壳牌、诺基亚、爱立信、三星、松下电气、大宇等著名跨国公司在华均有较大投资。
英文: Boss &Young lawyers have accumulated rich experiences in serving multinational corporations doing or intending to do business in China.
中文: 邦信阳律师在服务正在或拟在中国开展业务的跨国公司方面积累了丰富的经验。
英文: No wonder the multinational corporations have been growing fantastically and now dominate many sections of the international market.
中文: 毋庸质疑,跨国公司在飞速发展,并且在多个领域内支配着国际市场的发展。
英文: The paradigm of inevitable change offered multinational corporations the answer they needed.
中文: 而此一必然改变的论述模式,提供了跨国公司需要的答案。