英文: It is most important to recognize the characteristics including cylindrical section of rhizome (Yuanlu), drooping adventitious root tuber (Xiachuiding), wirelike wrinkles on tap shoulder (Tiexianwen) and some slender pliable warty fibrous roots (Zhenvuxu)
中文: 、主根肩部的线形收缩纹(铁线纹)及带疣状突起的细长柔韧的须根系(珍珠须)是最重要的鉴别性状。
英文: Taking a stand: A six-week-old endangered Visayan warty pig plays king of the mountain on an adult at the San Diego Zoo in California.
中文: 加利福尼亚圣迭戈动物园的一只6个月大的米沙鄢疣猪在一只成年疣猪背上表演叠罗汉。
英文: The Visayan warty pig is critically endangered and is found only on two islands in the Philippines.
中文: 米沙鄢疣猪是非常珍稀的物种,目前只在菲律宾的2个岛上有发现过。
英文: These warty vegetations average only a few millimeters and form along the line of valve closure over areas of endocardial inflammation.
中文: 这些疣状赘生物平均仅几个毫米,沿着心内膜炎症区上的瓣膜闭锁缘形成。
英文: In vulvar carcinoma, HPVs, mainly HPV (70%,7/0), were detected in basaloid (8 %,/) and warty carcinoma (8 . %,/), but none in conventional type of keratinized squamous cell carcinoma (0.0%,0/).
中文: 在 例外阴鳞癌中 ,HPV阳性仅见于基底细胞样癌和湿疣样癌 ,阳性率均为 8 . % ,以HPV 型为主 ( 70 0 % ) ;