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It is most important to recognize the characteristics including cylindrical section of rhizome (Yuanlu), drooping adventitious root tuber (Xiachuiding), wirelike wrinkles on tap shoulder (Tiexianwen) and some slender pliable warty fibrous roots (Zhenvuxu)

It is most delighted and comfort to know that your hands are always there whenever we are in difficulties, troubles or happiness. 无论是在危急和重要的关头,抑或是硕果丰收的时候,都总有您的扶持和分享,这才是最值得珍惜和庆祝的!
It is most helpful to adise women in their mid to late 40s that the median age at menopause in nonsmoking women is 52 to 53 years and that symptoms such as hot flashes and longer interals between menses may be the most practical predictors of the approach 非吸烟妇女绝经的中位年龄为52到53岁,潮热症之类的症状及月经周期间隔时间的延长是接近月经终止最可行的预测因子,对那些将近50岁的妇女说明以上建议是有益的。
It is most helpful to advise women in their mid to late 40s that the median age at menopause in nonsmoking women is 52 to 53 years and that symptoms such as hot flashes and longer intervals between menses may be the most practical predictors of the approa 非吸烟妇女绝经的中位年龄为52到53岁,潮热症之类的症状及月经周期间隔时间的延长是接近月经终止最可行的预测因子,对那些将近50岁的妇女说明以上建议是有益的。
It is most holy to Jehovah. 这坛在耶和华面前乃为至圣。
It is most important to establish a staging system and transplantation indications for liver transplantation of HCC in China. 笔者认为建立与评价适应我国肝癌肝移植的分期标准及手术指征是当务之急。
It is most important to recognize the characteristics including cylindrical section of rhizome (Yuanlu), drooping adventitious root tuber (Xiachuiding), wirelike wrinkles on tap shoulder (Tiexianwen) and some slender pliable warty fibrous roots (Zhenvuxu) 、主根肩部的线形收缩纹(铁线纹)及带疣状突起的细长柔韧的须根系(珍珠须)是最重要的鉴别性状。
It is most impressed him that the people are amity and the street are nattiness. 给他印象最深的是人民友好,街道整洁。
It is most risky to go and examine an active volcano. 去探察活火山是非常危险的。
It is mostly used at night to arouse the driver's watchfulness .The style is novel and the sign is bright .It can also economize electricity effectively.It will cut off electricity automatically when it is stroken. 晚上提醒驾驶员注意道路转弯处的情况,灯箱款式新颖,美观醒目,内置高强度灯光照明,标志鲜明,能有效地提高道路安全效率;在受到撞击后,外壳不易损伤,且能自动切断电源,安全防漏电,安装更换灯管简捷方便。
It is much (far) too bad. 这实在太糟糕了。
It is much akin to the sensation of looking through a strange keyhole, only to see another eye looking back. 这与从一个奇怪的锁孔中窥视,却看到另一只眼睛正在锁孔那头看你的感觉十分相像。

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