英文: A normal menu at the mensa on campus costs about CHF 7 or € 5.
中文: 一般学生食堂每餐7瑞士法郎。
英文: As you expected, USD/CHF rises 50 pips to 1.2372/77. Since you're long dollars (and are short francs), you must now sell dollars and buy back the francs to realize any profit.
中文: 如您期待,USD/CHF升50点至1.2372/77。由于您先前看涨美金(看跌法郎),您必须卖掉美元及买回法郎以实现盈利。
英文: Gallen recommends students to plan to spend around CHF 1'700 or approximately € 1200 per month for basic needs.
中文: 一般来说,中国学生每月大概需要800-1000瑞士法郎。
英文: It has discovered common faults of various experimental collections and agreed well with the CHF data of annular tubes and rectangular channels in water and other liquids.
中文: 理论式和本实验及其他文献的套管,长方形通道的最大热通量实验数据进行了比较,在流路狭长的情况时两者相当吻合。
英文: The Cardiologist uses the stethoscope for cardiac auscultation; listening carefully to detect irregular rhythms, an S3 or S4 often noted in CHF and heart murmurs heard with stenotic valve lesions.
中文: 心脏科医生使用听诊器进行心脏听诊,仔细倾听来发现心律失常、心力衰竭时常出现的第三心音(S3)和第四心音(S4)以及狭窄性瓣膜病变时产生的心脏杂音。