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As you expected, USD/CHF rises 50 pips to 1.2372/77. Since you're long dollars (and are short francs), you must now sell dollars and buy back the francs to realize any profit.

As you do, let your imagination go off on tangents. 当你这样做的时候,让你的想象力从交点上游离开来。
As you enjoy the fresh Pacific sea food you can admire the bright red paint of the Golden Gate Bridge in the harbor and watch the traffic crossing beneath12 the tall towers on its way to the pretty village of Tiberon. 品尝可口的太平洋海鲜,同时欣赏海港中漆得鲜红的金门大桥,观赏高塔下众多车辆赶往美丽的“蒂伯龙”村。
As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 12进他家里去,要请他的安。
As you estimate, what is the biggest quota you will accomplish? 据你估计,你能完成的最大年销售量是多少呢?
As you exhale, release all that negativity with your breath. 呼气的时候,把所有的消极情绪都释放出去。
As you expected, USD/CHF rises 50 pips to 1.2372/77. Since you're long dollars (and are short francs), you must now sell dollars and buy back the francs to realize any profit. 如您期待,USD/CHF升50点至1.2372/77。由于您先前看涨美金(看跌法郎),您必须卖掉美元及买回法郎以实现盈利。
As you explore creative ways of expressing your inner needs, you'll discover a mystical way of communicating. 在你探索如何表达自己内心需要时,你会发现交流的奥妙。
As you explore the world we live in, you'll discover many things and hear various ways of acknowledging that understanding. 当你在探索我们生存的这个世界时,你将发现很多的新事物以及对事物的不同看法和理解。
As you explore these differences you will feel walls of resentment and mistrust melting down. 当你探讨这些不同时,你会觉得愤恨与不信任之墙正逐渐融化中。
As you explore this list, remember that these little things can add up to create big walls of resistance and resentment. 当你探讨下列这些短例时,请记住:这些小事可能会造成抗拒与怨恨的大隔阂。
As you feel yourself surge forward, stop paddling and grab the rails of the surfboard with your hands. 当你感觉自己被推向前方时,就停止划水,双手紧握冲浪板扶手。

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